Thinking bout moving to Montana

Gonna be a dental floss tycoon ?

Devoid of people
Many highways are autobahns
Youll alwsys be an outsider
Canton NC last 2 years, Jefferson City tn for 55 years

I know of several people who have moved from The South to CA or CO and moved back after a year or two. I was raised in MA, lived in NY for 11 years before I found my home in NC. It's in my blood now. I will visit many places, but always come back home.

Its 96% white and Conservative ... and they love their guns!

LOL... You know there are lots of folks from Calif there now, right??

Many wanna get away from libs, & when they get there they find that their moderate views are LIB!!!!!! :rofl2: They're now the libs of Montana...