Third snow day in a row…


conservative democrat
Staff member
Tomorrow will be three snow days in a row. I’m running out of things to do. A person can only watch so many episodes of Vegas. :|
I enjoy a couple days of doing a lot of nothing, then I need a project.

I’ve molded 50+ bullets for my 58 cal and my 50 cal muzzleloaders, worked on my generator and got it running smoothly…right about the time the electricity came back on :), cleaned the snow off my boat cover, cooked way too much food, … and then it was noon.

I do need to make 5 dice rolling trays for my son’s D&D friends but I’m at a standstill on that until my sanding belts arrive. Tomorrow would have been a great day to do that but … alas, UPS didn’t bring them today.

I think I’ll just drink this sassafras tea and watch Andy Griffith the rest of the evening today.
So, it was 26° when I got up. So I decided to spend the morning inside canning beans. I got pintos I’ll can with a hunk of bacon in each jar and I got some great northern ill can with some diced, leftover ham in each jar. That’ll occupy my morning.

This afternoon when it warms up a bit I’ll fire up the chainsaw and start clearing out some of the tree damage from that heavy, wet snow. Fortunately I had just pruned the fruit trees so the only damage they received was one broken limb in one of the peach trees. I’ll square that break off and the tree should be fine.
Clean the bathroom and do a couple of loads of laundry. ;)

Already did that day 1 and 2. I do a lot of inside stuff while it’s cold and the wife is at work.

I got some of those brush attachments for the cordless drill for cleaning the shower. Works great! My wife even uses them when she cleans the shower now.
Already did that day 1 and 2. I do a lot of inside stuff while it’s cold and the wife is at work.

I got some of those brush attachments for the cordless drill for cleaning the shower. Works great! My wife even uses them when she cleans the shower now.

I bought one of those that's made for the shower but after a few uses it broke. I can't plug the brush into the charger anymore. What a waste of money. :(
Tomorrow will be three snow days in a row. I’m running out of things to do. A person can only watch so many episodes of Vegas. :|

I imagine you're back today... not the best way to start the new grading period,...will you have to "make those up" at the end of the year?
I imagine you're back today... not the best way to start the new grading period,...will you have to "make those up" at the end of the year?

No. Two days were built in as snow days and one day was “virtual.” Virtual is not the best but most of the kids will get what I’m peddling from my YouTube channel. I’ll take up the slack when we are back in person. We’re still off today…regular old snow day.
I bought one of those that's made for the shower but after a few uses it broke. I can't plug the brush into the charger anymore. What a waste of money. :(

Sorry to hear that… The ones I bought were attachments to use with a cordless drill. We’ve had them for two years now. About time to order more just because.
No. Two days were built in as snow days and one day was “virtual.” Virtual is not the best but most of the kids will get what I’m peddling from my YouTube channel. I’ll take up the slack when we are back in person. We’re still off today…regular old snow day.

Well, the house will be clean and your gardens will appreciate the moisture. And you'll have dinner ready when mama gets home... a win for everyone! lol
I’ve molded 50+ bullets for my 58 cal and my 50 cal muzzleloaders, worked on my generator and got it running smoothly…right about the time the electricity came back on :), cleaned the snow off my boat cover, cooked way too much food, … and then it was noon.

I do need to make 5 dice rolling trays for my son’s D&D friends but I’m at a standstill on that until my sanding belts arrive. Tomorrow would have been a great day to do that but … alas, UPS didn’t bring them today.

I think I’ll just drink this sassafras tea and watch Andy Griffith the rest of the evening today.

I watch Andy Griffith every day after work. Ive seen every episode I dont know how many times,......Still love it.
Not a snow day today. Just a “normal” Saturday. I had all my normal Saturday work done because I’ve been off since Monday and I could have gone hunting but it was cold and windy. I can handle the cold but not the windy. Fortunately my sanding belts and disks came in so I built a fire in the Warm Morning stove in the shop then I built 5 Dungeons and Dragons dice trays for my kid and his D&D buddies.

This is a picture of the prototype. I perfected my technique of gluing the felt in the bottom.
Not a snow day today. Just a “normal” Saturday. I had all my normal Saturday work done because I’ve been off since Monday and I could have gone hunting but it was cold and windy. I can handle the cold but not the windy. Fortunately my sanding belts and disks came in so I built a fire in the Warm Morning stove in the shop then I built 5 Dungeons and Dragons dice trays for my kid and his D&D buddies.

This is a picture of the prototype. I perfected my technique of gluing the felt in the bottom.

Nice shop, LR. Lots of room to spread out and keep multiple projects going.