This Breaks My Heart


...but doesn't surprise me at all.

May 22, 2007
Democrats Drop Withdrawal Dates From Iraq Bill
WASHINGTON, May 22 — Congressional Democrats relented today on their insistence that a war spending measure sought by President Bush also set a date for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The decision to back down, described by senior lawmakers and aides, , was a wrenching reversal for some Democrats, who saw their election triumph as a call to force an end to the war. A Democratic effort to include timelines prompted Mr. Bush’s veto of the original bill last month, producing a political impasse.

“We don’t have a veto-proof Congress,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader.

...but doesn't surprise me at all.

May 22, 2007
Democrats Drop Withdrawal Dates From Iraq Bill
WASHINGTON, May 22 — Congressional Democrats relented today on their insistence that a war spending measure sought by President Bush also set a date for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The decision to back down, described by senior lawmakers and aides, , was a wrenching reversal for some Democrats, who saw their election triumph as a call to force an end to the war. A Democratic effort to include timelines prompted Mr. Bush’s veto of the original bill last month, producing a political impasse.

“We don’t have a veto-proof Congress,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader.

I know you mean well...but you are lacking experience in war cannot telegraph military options to the enemy...if we set deadlines for withdrawal the enemy would set up what is referred to as a 'ambush' do you propose we exit from Iraq..after all troops and equipment must be moved out the same way it was moved in...this would be a bloodbath that would put the rest to shame...this is not VN...The NVA had no interest in killing US troops once the exit was in progress...unlike radical Islam...they will kill us no matter where we are or what we are doing...this would set up a killing field...unlike anything anyone has seen to date

and I forgot to mention that a couple of days ago while shopping in Carson City,Nevada...a large protest by vets and mothers of vets against Senator Harry Reid was covered by the local news...not sure if it made it nationwide...Harry is on his last legs in Nevada!
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I know you mean well...but you are lacking experience in war cannot telegraph military options to the enemy...if we set deadlines for withdrawal the enemy would set up what is referred to as a 'ambush' do you propose we exit from Iraq..after all troops and equipment must be moved out the same way it was moved in...this would be a bloodbath that would put the rest to shame...this is not VN...The NVA had no interest in killing US troops once the exit was in progress...unlike radical Islam...they will kill us no matter where we are or what we are doing...this would set up a killing field...unlike anything anyone has seen to date
Agreed, sort of. They shouldn't have broadcast the timelines but snuck them into an unrelated bill like a more canny Republican would've. Or was that not the enemy to which you referred?

Everyone admits, now, that there is no military solution to the Iraq mess and so your quibble about "telegraphing" to the "enemy" lacks a certain immediacy. At the very least such concerns have become far less important. I'd contend that they've grown completely moot, in fact.
Darla, trying to set military policy by withholding funds is a backasswards way of doing things. do it the right way, seize the presidency, if you can.:tongout:
AHZ it is too late to sieze the presidency to fix this mess, it is a quagmire....
This is on the backs of all those who voted to re-elect Bush.