This claim might have some merit


Villified User
Election may turn on what happened in Vegas

Rep. Jim Gibbons told the Reno Gazette-Journal that the incident "is going to have an impact on our campaign."

Chrissy Mazzeo
By Martin Kasindorf, USA TODAY
A Las Vegas cocktail waitress said Wednesday she was offered money to recant allegations that a Republican congressman running for Nevada governor assaulted and propositioned her.

Less than two weeks before the Nov. 7 election, the alleged bribery attempt that Chrissy Mazzeo, 32, described at a news conference reignited a sex-tinged controversy that Rep. Jim Gibbons says could influence his tight contest with Democratic state Sen. Dina Titus.

Gibbon's lawyer, Don Campbell, later at a news conference called Mazzeo "an exceedingly troubled young woman" with a "troubled past," who was making "wild and reckless allegations."

Gibbons, 61, who is married, has denied the allegations.

Mazzeo, who is raising a 3-year-old daughter alone, made three 911 calls on Oct. 13, then told police that Gibbons grabbed her arms in a parking garage, threw her against a wall and pressured her for sex after drinking with her and four companions in a restaurant. Mazzeo said she cursed Gibbons and ran away.

A police report quotes Gibbons as saying he had grabbed the arm of the woman, who "might have been tipsy," to catch her from tripping and falling as he was helping her find her truck. Police reports say Gibbons and Mazzeo said they had been drinking wine.

Note the 911 calls and policie report.....
Something sounds fishy about a 61-year old married man, walking a 32 year old cocktail waitress to her car, and "catching" her arm as she falls.

Oh well. Its for his wife to judge. Not me.
Its possible this dude is all on the up and up.

Most Bars I've been too have Bouncers that walk their waitresses to the cars if neccessary.
We do it often...

I work on weekends at a bar for a friend.

However, some bars have no bouncers at all, often customers will walk the waitresses to cars at the end of the night.
Anything is possible, I just thought this claim could be credible with the 911 calls and the police report for backing.
I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

If my wife knew that I had been partying with a cocktail waitress, inviting her to sit at my table, walked her to her car, and "caught" her arm as she "fell", my wife would probably at least raise her eyebrows.
Does anyone here know how to read. She was a cocktail waitress but she was out drinking with friends prior to the event. Ergo she wasn't working the night this happened. "Mazzeo, who is raising a 3-year-old daughter alone, made three 911 calls on Oct. 13, then told police that Gibbons grabbed her arms in a parking garage, threw her against a wall and pressured her for sex after drinking with her and four companions in a restaurant."

God! Let's get it together people.
Damo, whould you be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt if his name was Kennedy and a Democrat (of course) ?
Damo, whould you be giving this guy the benefit of the doubt if his name was Kennedy and a Democrat (of course) ?
I don't know really. It depends on past action. If it were Teddy? Probably not. If it were another Kennedy with less of a past, probably...
Fair enough.

prakosh makes some interesting statements though, which I was declining to bring up to see if anyone else read the story.
Does anyone here know how to read. She was a cocktail waitress but she was out drinking with friends prior to the event. Ergo she wasn't working the night this happened. "Mazzeo, who is raising a 3-year-old daughter alone, made three 911 calls on Oct. 13, then told police that Gibbons grabbed her arms in a parking garage, threw her against a wall and pressured her for sex after drinking with her and four companions in a restaurant."

God! Let's get it together people.

to be fair, that's only what she claims. Its a classic he said, she said deal.

Too bad there weren't video cameras in the parking garage.
This might be only the first breaking stuff on this. when I first read about it yesterday, no police report or 911 calls were mentioned. More stuff might be on the way....