This countries biggest threat and enemy


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If all the the hate party supporters have in supporting their position is lies, just ignore them, these people are going to try to save their criminal ass hole president with lies because that's all they got. And as you notice they have no qualms at all trying to turn us into a dictatorship and disregard the constitution. If they don't like our laws they can go somewhere else, some right wing military dictatorship seems to be perfect for them. I'm tired of these traitors. They spit on my flag and piss on my constitution. They simply are this countries biggest threat and enemy. The Fun starts tomorrow .It's crazy, all the witnesses against scum bag are people that scumbag chose to be in his cabinet or are staunch hate party supporters. Now the right is going to try to make their own into liars , to form a dictatorship without the letter of our laws. This is going to be so funny. Scum bags most highly regarded people now have to be made into liars to save this pile of shit.
If all the the hate party supporters have in supporting their position is lies, just ignore them, these people are going to try to save their criminal ass hole president with lies because that's all they got. And as you notice they have no qualms at all trying to turn us into a dictatorship and disregard the constitution. If they don't like our laws they can go somewhere else, some right wing military dictatorship seems to be perfect for them. I'm tired of these traitors. They spit on my flag and piss on my constitution. They simply are this countries biggest threat and enemy. The Fun starts tomorrow .It's crazy, all the witnesses against scum bag are people that scumbag chose to be in his cabinet or are staunch hate party supporters. Now the right is going to try to make their own into liars , to form a dictatorship without the letter of our laws. This is going to be so funny. Scum bags most highly regarded people now have to be made into liars to save this pile of shit.

This is satire, right? Projection?
If all the the hate party supporters have in supporting their position is lies, just ignore them, these people are going to try to save their criminal ass hole president with lies because that's all they got. And as you notice they have no qualms at all trying to turn us into a dictatorship and disregard the constitution. If they don't like our laws they can go somewhere else, some right wing military dictatorship seems to be perfect for them. I'm tired of these traitors. They spit on my flag and piss on my constitution. They simply are this countries biggest threat and enemy. The Fun starts tomorrow .It's crazy, all the witnesses against scum bag are people that scumbag chose to be in his cabinet or are staunch hate party supporters. Now the right is going to try to make their own into liars , to form a dictatorship without the letter of our laws. This is going to be so funny. Scum bags most highly regarded people now have to be made into liars to save this pile of shit.

fuck you and your deep state lies, ya hack.
If all the hate party supporters have in supporting their position is lies, just ignore them, these people are going to try to save their criminal ass hole president with lies because that's all they got.

“Lies” such as? Please elaborate! Prove to the class “you got” more!

And as you notice they have no qualms at all trying to turn us into a dictatorship and disregard the constitution.

I for one would appreciate your evidence that this President has violated the Constitution or even has attempted to. Please also deliver a shred of evidence that Donald Trump is building a dictatorship. I think you talkin out yo ass!

If they don't like our laws they can go somewhere else, some right wing military dictatorship seems to be perfect for them. I'm tired of these traitors. They spit on my flag and piss on my constitution.

Yada, yada, yada! Present some evidence of your outrageous Trump Hate accusations, or shove your babbling psychoses up your ass!
Trumpanzees don't think out their positions. They're obviously not equipped for that.

After the orangutan is rightfully impeached by the House, the pachyderm controlled Senate will vote to acquit because the clear facts presented will be irrelevant to them. Like single celled organisms, they're content to merely exist in Trumpland where cerebral firepower is simply not required and is in fact mistrusted, even feared.
If all the the hate party supporters have in supporting their position is lies, just ignore them, these people are going to try to save their criminal ass hole president with lies because that's all they got. And as you notice they have no qualms at all trying to turn us into a dictatorship and disregard the constitution. If they don't like our laws they can go somewhere else, some right wing military dictatorship seems to be perfect for them. I'm tired of these traitors. They spit on my flag and piss on my constitution. They simply are this countries biggest threat and enemy. The Fun starts tomorrow .It's crazy, all the witnesses against scum bag are people that scumbag chose to be in his cabinet or are staunch hate party supporters. Now the right is going to try to make their own into liars , to form a dictatorship without the letter of our laws. This is going to be so funny. Scum bags most highly regarded people now have to be made into liars to save this pile of shit.

The countries biggest threatLIBERALISM.
Got to say it really cracks one up when another capitalizes, enlarges, and bolds their posts as if it made them anymore effective, only thing missing is the exclamation points

I use exclamation points, bold fonts, large fonts, colored fonts and liberals whine. Hell maybe I should offer cheese with my posts.

I use exclamation points, bold fonts, large fonts, colored fonts and liberals whine. Hell maybe I should offer cheese with my posts.

Conservatives hate fellow Americans who don't share their narrow minded views.
And worship of a really bad man.
But support Russia and all others who would glad cheer the down fall of America!
Conservatives hate fellow Americans who don't share their narrow minded views.
And worship of a really bad man.
But support Russia and all others who would glad cheer the down fall of America!

As usual you have it all wrong. Conservatives hate the stupidity of liberalism and all for which it stands.