This country doesnt allow black boys to be children



Denied the Right to Be Young
Monday, 15 July 2013 12:46 By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Washington, DC -- Justice failed Trayvon Martin the night he was killed. We should be appalled and outraged, but perhaps not surprised, that it failed him again Saturday night with a verdict setting his killer free.

Our society considers young black men to be dangerous, interchangeable, expendable, guilty until proven innocent. This is the conversation about race that we desperately need to have -- but probably, as in the past, will try our best to avoid.

Denied the Right to Be Young
Monday, 15 July 2013 12:46 By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Washington, DC -- Justice failed Trayvon Martin the night he was killed. We should be appalled and outraged, but perhaps not surprised, that it failed him again Saturday night with a verdict setting his killer free.

Our society considers young black men to be dangerous, interchangeable, expendable, guilty until proven innocent. This is the conversation about race that we desperately need to have -- but probably, as in the past, will try our best to avoid.

I think that applies to all teenagers. Look back a.month or so ago...when a soccer player hit a the guy had a condition that was unknown at the time...and our right wing brethren wanted the kid to be tried as an adult and spend the rest of his life in prison..IIRC, that kid wasn't black...he Zimmerman.
Trayvon lived in this world.

Trayvon even after death is treated like he could not have possibly been in fear that night by half this country.

Every suggestion that he had reasons to FEAR that night are met with complete denial by the right on this site.

Black boys feel no fear.

that is how the right sees the world.

They incite fear but are incapable of EVER being in fear.

tell that to all the still alive black boys whatever their age.

They just saw their country let off a man who killed a boy for NOTHING.

then got off scott free.

Now they are going to be sent through the guantlet and no fear they have will EVER be recognized by the right in this country.

To the right in this country black boys are not EVER allowed to be afraid for their lives.

how fucking sick is the right?

sociopathicly sick
this debate is above the moral morass that the right mires its brain cells in.

Are black boys in this country allowed to be afraid?
you mean the dead guy?......

Yep....and you guys were all but calling for the kid's head on a platter. You will assign mortal blame on a kid who had ONE MOMENT of rash behavior....a kid who's brain and reasoning skills don't develop until at least 21 years of age...

But yet totally dismiss a full blown adult's that accepted the responsibility as a NW volunteer...and once again...blame the kid for HIS behavior.
In Africa they let boys be boys.

Yep....and you guys were all but calling for the kid's head on a platter. You will assign mortal blame on a kid who had ONE MOMENT of rash behavior....a kid who's brain and reasoning skills don't develop until at least 21 years of age...

But yet totally dismiss a full blown adult's that accepted the responsibility as a NW volunteer...and once again...blame the kid for HIS behavior.

25 is the age the human brain is complete and it lags due to a not fully developed ablity to adultly access the danger in any situation
The racist scumbags will eventually shoot one another because they have slightly different eye-colours or different-sized tails. Let's hope they get on with it before they burn the planet!
I think he liked the taste of the blood off his fingers after he stuck them in trayvons chest wound.

There are people here who lap at the screen in hopes of tasting the pain their posts are designed to cause.

can you imagine a life any lower?
Yep....and you guys were all but calling for the kid's head on a platter.

sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think I ever posted anything about him.....

You will assign mortal blame on a kid who had ONE MOMENT of rash behavior....a kid who's brain and reasoning skills don't develop until at least 21 years of age...

you know, I was involved with sports when I was young, and raised two kids who were on neighborhood teams every year from before they were in school......I've never ever seen a kid attack a ref, even yell at one....

I don't think I've even heard of another who hit a ref hard enough to kill him......

but as far as the Martin case is concerned.....I understand that you are prepared to excuse the kid for his behavior because he didn't intend to kill anyone, but why aren't you prepared to do the same for Zimmerman......even the prosecutor never believed that Zimmerman intended to kill the guy......that's why he was never charged with Murder 1st......
I think he liked the taste of the blood off his fingers after he stuck them in trayvons chest wound.

There are people here who lap at the screen in hopes of tasting the pain their posts are designed to cause.

can you imagine a life any lower?
No - human vomit + rotting pig.