APP - This doesn't happen often, but I may be wrong

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I was convinced a few months ago that the democrat party would replace Sleepy Gropin Joe Biden and replace him with a more "suitable" candidate. While that is still a possibility, I think it grows less and less likely for a couple of reasons

1) Their most likely candidate Cuomo has crashed and burned due to his nursing home policies killing old people in NY

2) Now that the mob has officially taken over the democrat party, if Biden were to step down or be forced to step down the BLMTIFA crowd would demand Bernie be the nominee. Anyone BUT Bernie would create massive chaos and a 1968 like powder keg that the democrat establishment wants to avoid.

This is why they have all but cancelled the democrat convention. They don't want the BLMTIFA crowd to blow it for them. It is clear that the democrat party has unleashed Pandora's Box with BLMTIFA. They can't control them. They have chased off the Minneapolis Mayor. We don't hear from him anymore. They are brutalizing the Seattle Mayor. They are attacking a lawyer who backs their cause and donates to democrats.

There is still time for the democrat party to replace Biden, but they have very few options