This guy can vote

Oh. Dear. Lord. Geebus. Get. Thee. Behind. Me. Stupid.


I need to wash my brain to get the stupid he just put into out. I want my 40 seconds back.
Ok, I got to about the 2:30 mark and felt my own IQ dropping.

What an idiot. First that he thought he understood, and second that he felt obligated to spread his ignorance.
It just doesn't make any sense at all. Selling something below it's "true" value would not necessitate you going into debt. That doesn't make any sense. And what is the "true" value? There's really no measure besides whatever the market happens to decide.
It just doesn't make any sense at all. Selling something below it's "true" value would not necessitate you going into debt. That doesn't make any sense. And what is the "true" value? There's really no measure besides whatever the market happens to decide.
And the value of what you purchase has nothing to do with your level of debt.

For example. If Bill Gates cashed in and bought an airplane for 11 Billion dollars, he may have overpaid (almost certainly) but he would not go into debt to purchase it.
No, it didn't make sense from the beginning. I just thought it must be a joke and waited for the "reveal", but the guy was totally serious. People like this actually exist. Scary.
I can't get over the "So if I sell this to you at $1.00 and it is only worth $0.05, then we have to go in debt." At that point I couldn't stand the stupid any longer. I still haven't washed it all off.