This has to be the best story of the year; so far

cancel2 2022

Puppy thrown at German biker gang (Source)

A German student "mooned" a group of Hell's Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said.

The man drove up to a Hell's Angels clubhouse near Munich, wearing only a pair of shorts and carrying a puppy. He dropped his shorts and threw the dog, escaping on a bulldozer from a nearby building site.
He was arrested later at home by police. The 26-year-old is said to have stopped taking depression medication.

After making his getaway on the bulldozer, he had driven so slowly that a 5km tailback built up behind him on the motorway. After driving about 1km, he had abandoned the bulldozer in the middle of the motorway, near Allershausen. He continued his journey by hitch-hiking.

"What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell's Angels is currently unclear," a police spokesman said.
The puppy is now being cared for in an animal shelter.
Hey that's nothing.

Lee Fisher (D), who is presently running for the Senate here in Ohio when as a young prosecutor was assisting in the intterogation of a burglary suspect. The suspect was placed in a room with an aluminum colander over his head that has two wires attached to it and a photocopier. Inside the photocopier was a sheet of paper with "He's lying" written on it. Every time they asked the suspect a question and they thought his response was a lie they'd hit a button on the photocopier and it would send out a sheet of paper with "He's lying" on it. The suspect was so convinced that it was a real lie detector that he confessed.

In another manipulation of the stupid, (This was back in the early 90's when Fisher was the State AG). His office sent out notices to felons with warrants that they had won a lottery prize and needed to show up at the Statehouse to collect their winnings. A surprising number of them did....and were promptly arrested.
I heard this story a couple weeks ago. I also want to state that I object to the term "gang" when used to describe the Angels. They're a club.
I heard this story a couple weeks ago. I also want to state that I object to the term "gang" when used to describe the Angels. They're a club.
They call themselves "clubs" to differentiate between them and say, MS-13. However, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, you may as well call it a duck even if it wants to be called a dog.
I heard this story a couple weeks ago. I also want to state that I object to the term "gang" when used to describe the Angels. They're a club.
They are both.

A club is a group of people who share a common interest, like riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booze, selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps and meet periodically to enjoy riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booz,e selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps

A gang is a membership of people/men who share a common identity that gather together lawlessly to ride motorcycles, take drugs, drink booze, sell drugs, gang rape women and skull fuck little emo pussy whimps.
They are both.

A club is a group of people who share a common interest, like riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booze, selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps and meet periodically to enjoy riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booz,e selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps

A gang is a membership of people/men who share a common identity that gather together lawlessly to ride motorcycles, take drugs, drink booze, sell drugs, gang rape women and skull fuck little emo pussy whimps.

:moped::moped: :moped:
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They are both.

A club is a group of people who share a common interest, like riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booze, selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps and meet periodically to enjoy riding motorcycles, taking drugs, drinking booz,e selling drugs, gang raping women and skull fucking little emo pussy whimps

A gang is a membership of people/men who share a common identity that gather together lawlessly to ride motorcycles, take drugs, drink booze, sell drugs, gang rape women and skull fuck little emo pussy whimps.
No, a gang is a group of individuals whose association is solely a criminal one. The Hells Angels is not a criminal organization.
No, a gang is a group of individuals whose association is solely a criminal one. The Hells Angels is not a criminal organization.
Dude, that was almost funny....

On a side note, my father was a Hell's Angel (one of the 1%ers)... Yeah, they're a gang who calls themselves a "club" in the hope of some legitimacy. Not all gangs are into illegal activity, for example the "S.H.A.R.P."