APP - This is extremely interesting


Former Vice President
Now, what they have is Flynn was not forthcoming to the FBI as it pertains to these communications. Why? Flynn will have to answer that.

This is notable for a few reasons

1) Many JPP lefties have been claiming that President Trump is guilty of violations of the Logan Act. Yet the FBI under James Comey found no wrongdoing. Did Comey not know about the Logan Act?
2) Flynn is supposedly going to testify that someone in the Trump orbit ordered him to reach out to Kislyak

So this is Mueller's big get? This is it? He is going to get Flynn to drop dime on something the FBI found no evidence of wrong doing? I mean the FBI had the intercepts? Why did they even need to interview Flynn if they had him on tape? Was this a set up from the get go?

Why wasn't Flynn charged with violating the Logan Act if that is what he is going to drop dime on? Seems that would have been the most appropriate charge as it would have made any testimony more plausible.

But no, all Mueller has been able to trump up (pun intended) is two instance of lying to the FBI, which really isn't that hard to do.