APP - This is far from over. The IG has plenty more work to do


Many think that yesterday's IG report is the end of it. It is not. There is plenty more in the works.

Remember, nobody even knew what Horowitz was doing until Crooked Mueller bullied innocent Michael Flynn into copping a plea for "lying" about an act that was part of his normal duties as part of the transition.

While everyone knows about the lovebirds Strozk and Page, there are other lesser known characters that have not been talked about frequently but are extremely important

Bill Priestap
Bruce Ohr
James Baker

Every single one of these individuals are still in their units, but each has been stripped of any and all responsibilities. That isn't a coincidence. Basically, they have all been busted and what I suspect is happening is that each and every one of them is cooperating with Horowitz and Jeff Sessions.

Have you noticed that you have never heard from ANY of them? Again, not a coincidence. They have probably been told, keep your mouth shut until we tell you to open it and maybe we let you keep your little retirement. Deviate from said plan and you will end up in jail where you belong.

The IG is also investigating abuse of the FISA warrant. That is where heads are really going to roll.

The Black Hats led by Mueller are telegraphing their every move and making mistake after mistake. The White Hats are methodical and taking their time. This is only just getting started.