APP - This is fascinating to watch


Former Vice President
As an astute political observer it has been fascinating to watch the interactions between leftists regarding the democrat party primary. Below is an exchange that I have seen take place numerous times

The (D)s are going to screw themselves again by pushing Sanders out in favor of someone not-Sanders. Bernie fans will not vote in protest. And we will have four more years of corruption. USA! USA! USA! *sigh*

Conversely, and more to the point, Sanders and the naive, extremist progressive Bernie-bot wing of the D's are going to screw not only themselves, but everyone else by backing that old shyster based on his obviously false, empty promises of things any intelligent person knows damned good and well he'll never be able to deliver on.

If old BS gets the nom, many moderate Dems will not vote out of conscience.

And we will have four more years of corruption. USA! USA! USA! *sigh*

So here you have two far left folks on JPP that have never disagreed on any policy, but both are saying they will stay home come election day if their person isn't nominated. The reason this is so fascinating is that I have never seen such disunity amongst leftists.

Now will they really hold out when election day comes? I tend to doubt it, but we will see.
As an astute political observer it has been fascinating to watch the interactions between leftists regarding the democrat party primary. So here you have two far left folks on JPP that have never disagreed on any policy, but both are saying they will stay home come election day if their person isn't nominated. The reason this is so fascinating is that I have never seen such disunity amongst leftists. Now will they really hold out when election day comes? I tend to doubt it, but we will see.

I also doubt that any partisan Trump-hating hacks will stay home on election day, but it's possible that Bernie Bros and Bernie Hos might, especially if the DEMOCRAT establishment sends the cops to bash their skulls in during the convention.

There was a similar schism on the left in 1968. Their candidate lost. Let's hope that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I also doubt that any partisan Trump-hating hacks will stay home on election day, but it's possible that Bernie Bros and Bernie Hos might, especially if the DEMOCRAT establishment sends the cops to bash their skulls in during the convention.

There was a similar schism on the left in 1968. Their candidate lost. Let's hope that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I do think that they are hell bent on repeating 1968. I just think that they will all show up at the polls. Especially if RBG dies before the election.
There is a certain truth to this observation but when considered closely what are you? a follower and believer or an individual and a thinker. The conservative follows, groupthink defines them and they tag along thoughtless. The liberal considers the options and their values. This is why con-artists and dictatorial leaders arise on the right and the flock follows. Trump lies and lies, his history is one of failure in business and since he is on wife three personal failure. Sanders on the other hand is a failure too as he has accomplished little in congress despite his grand ideas. But which is better is the hard part for the conscious voter. Follow or hope? How does a candidate reach into the dark corners of America and pull out what is good for everyone. Given Trump's record so far he is a failure as hate has grown and healthcare and immigrants have suffered. If caging children is in your values, you stay with Trump, if a better world for all is in your values you vote that hope. But hope doesn't win very often as history shows too clearly.