This is funny

Have you seen Trump's imitation of himself at Putin's asshole?


Quite realistic they say.
you wish her physical pain

you gonna shoot her like trumpy told you to

You know there was a time I wished her an excruciating death from a devastating disease. But, after November 8, 2016, I want her to live as long as is humanly possible so she has to relive her devastating loss at the hands of Donald Trump. Even if he is impeached, it won't help her because she will never, ever, ever hold the office of President of the United States of America. For her that is pain that rivals that of metastatic cancer and I see no more fitting end for her.

As for your last post? No. I am not a liberal. I do not believe in solving my political differences with violence as your party does. Like you boy yesterday did.
So Alice in Lunaticland posts the following hypocritical garbage about me day before yesterday...

Now quite often liberals on here take the position that if a conservative doesn't bash another conservative for a statement then that by definition signifies agreement.

So in the wake of today's targeting of GOP congressman by a liberal nut job we get this from Nomad

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet

update.....Congressman and two security officers shot, shooter down but alive....around 35 Republican Congressmen were at the practice......

Originally Posted by Nomad

So many opportunities missed....

So obviously Nomad supports the shooting of members of Congress. Will other JPP liberals distance themselves from Nomad? Or will they as I suspect, try to dig up prior posts for some sort of moral equivalence.

Maybe they will surprise me?

Then this afternoon, the same hypocrite douchebag posts the following...

You know there was a time I wished her an excruciating death from a devastating disease. But, after November 8, 2016, I want her to live as long as is humanly possible so she has to relive her devastating loss at the hands of Donald Trump. Even if he is impeached, it won't help her because she will never, ever, ever hold the office of President of the United States of America. For her that is pain that rivals that of metastatic cancer and I see no more fitting end for her.

As for your last post? No. I am not a liberal. I do not believe in solving my political differences with violence as your party does. Like you boy yesterday did.

As if there is something more honorable or noble about seriously and sincerely hoping a WOMAN... one who has served her country for decades at the highest levels of govt and worked tirelessly for the benefit of children, former FLOTUS, US Senator and Secretary of State, dies a painful death from cancer... than making a facetious, offhand JOKE about shooting Republicans.

And I emphasize the word JOKE, since that's all it was.

And no, I'm not going to ask his fellow right-wing assholes if they are going to distance themselves from Alice in Toiletland, because I know they are all down in there with him.

Two faced shit bag.
So Alice in Lunaticland posts the following hypocritical garbage about me day before yesterday...

Then this afternoon, the same hypocrite douchebag posts the following...

As if there is something more honorable or noble about seriously and sincerely hoping a WOMAN... one who has served her country for decades at the highest levels of govt and worked tirelessly for the benefit of children, former FLOTUS, US Senator and Secretary of State, dies a painful death from cancer... than making a facetious, offhand JOKE about shooting Republicans.

And I emphasize the word JOKE, since that's all it was.

And no, I'm not going to ask his fellow right-wing assholes if they are going to distance themselves from Alice in Toiletland, because I know they are all down in there with him.

Two faced shit bag.

As always you missed the point. I have never ever claimed to be honorable. I am merely calling out left wing double standards

Just because you like to spread the blood from Hillarys used tampons on your body as a sign of your devotion doesn't mean the rest of us see the cunt that way.

I also hope Chelsea and her kids drown in a boating accident

I hope Obamas daughters die of a drug overdose