APP - This is getting good


So Crooked Hillary's defense to the FBI was "Colin Powell told me to do it". But of course the former Secretary doesn't "recall" the conversation. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't. I am sure that the left in a desperate attempt to defend Crooked Hillary's lies will no claim as a matter of confirmed fact that "not only did Colin Powell do it too, but he TOLD Crooked Hillary to do it".

I'm beginning to think she would be far better off just admitting her lies. Her fans don't care and it would be easier to get excited if you didn't have to deal with the constant embarrassment.
That's silly, she is a lawyer, she knows that "someone told me to do it" is not a defense.

She might have told them that when they asked, but it was clearly not an attempt at a defense. I suspect its true, Powell has admitted to having done it himself. I would suspect he might have suggested it to her, why not.
That's silly, she is a lawyer, she knows that "someone told me to do it" is not a defense.

She might have told them that when they asked, but it was clearly not an attempt at a defense. I suspect its true, Powell has admitted to having done it himself. I would suspect he might have suggested it to her, why not.

He says he didn't.

But, as CG mentioned above, it would not matter to you one iota if she was lying. You will vote for her no matter what. You will believe WHATEVER she tells you. It has been preordained. So let it be written. So let it be done.