APP - This is going to get ugly. Mathematically Buyden couldn't have won



Read through all of this. There are so many statistical improbabilities, it isn't even funny. The left knows this that is why they are rushing out trying to claim the mantle of victory. They are getting their BLMTIFA supporters all ginned up for when Pennsylvania gets kicked to the Supreme Court and they throw out all of those illegal votes and invalidate the PA Supreme Court ruling, the BLMTIFA mob are going to say they were robbed and start rioting.

Look at Pennsylvania, more 90+ year olds registered to vote this year than any other year. As Beijing Buyde would say "C'mon man". This explains why they campaigned (or didn't) the way they did. They knew they were going to steal it. But something happened on the way to the bank.

Trump's rallies worked. The turnout for Trump overwhelmed the cheating the democrat traitors were prepared to do on election day. The plan was to cheat, the plan was not to drag it out.

But, it became clear very early that their efforts would not be enough. They had to halt Trump's momentum otherwise it was over. That is why give states halted counting at 1am and all resumed around 4am while everyone was sleeping.

The left knows it, Fox News (who is now dead as a news network) knows it. That is why they are in such a rush to declare Buyden the victor. They want to paint Trump as the "fascist" who overturned an election. We are headed for very dark days all at the hands of the traitors in the democrat party

Read through all of this. There are so many statistical improbabilities, it isn't even funny. The left knows this that is why they are rushing out trying to claim the mantle of victory. They are getting their BLMTIFA supporters all ginned up for when Pennsylvania gets kicked to the Supreme Court and they throw out all of those illegal votes and invalidate the PA Supreme Court ruling, the BLMTIFA mob are going to say they were robbed and start rioting.

Look at Pennsylvania, more 90+ year olds registered to vote this year than any other year. As Beijing Buyde would say "C'mon man". This explains why they campaigned (or didn't) the way they did. They knew they were going to steal it. But something happened on the way to the bank.

Trump's rallies worked. The turnout for Trump overwhelmed the cheating the democrat traitors were prepared to do on election day. The plan was to cheat, the plan was not to drag it out.

But, it became clear very early that their efforts would not be enough. They had to halt Trump's momentum otherwise it was over. That is why give states halted counting at 1am and all resumed around 4am while everyone was sleeping.

The left knows it, Fox News (who is now dead as a news network) knows it. That is why they are in such a rush to declare Buyden the victor. They want to paint Trump as the "fascist" who overturned an election. We are headed for very dark days all at the hands of the traitors in the democrat party

This is so true that lefties will have to evade discussion of the fraud that you have described. Lefties can not conceive what fraud is anymore than a Muslim can see terrorism when a building full of infidels is blown up.

Read through all of this. There are so many statistical improbabilities, it isn't even funny. The left knows this that is why they are rushing out trying to claim the mantle of victory. They are getting their BLMTIFA supporters all ginned up for when Pennsylvania gets kicked to the Supreme Court and they throw out all of those illegal votes and invalidate the PA Supreme Court ruling, the BLMTIFA mob are going to say they were robbed and start rioting.

Look at Pennsylvania, more 90+ year olds registered to vote this year than any other year. As Beijing Buyde would say "C'mon man". This explains why they campaigned (or didn't) the way they did. They knew they were going to steal it. But something happened on the way to the bank.

Trump's rallies worked. The turnout for Trump overwhelmed the cheating the democrat traitors were prepared to do on election day. The plan was to cheat, the plan was not to drag it out.

But, it became clear very early that their efforts would not be enough. They had to halt Trump's momentum otherwise it was over. That is why give states halted counting at 1am and all resumed around 4am while everyone was sleeping.

The left knows it, Fox News (who is now dead as a news network) knows it. That is why they are in such a rush to declare Buyden the victor. They want to paint Trump as the "fascist" who overturned an election. We are headed for very dark days all at the hands of the traitors in the democrat party

When the same day vote came in for Pennsylvania and Trump was ahead by less the a million votes they could have called Pennsylvania for Biden right then. You are 180 degrees wrong. Not only was it mathematically possible for Biden to win there it was almost a mathematical certainty.