This is going to piss off someone


Uwaa OmO
[ame=""]YouTube- Republican space rangers[/ame]
I find the entire premise confusing.....why would you blow up an entire planet just to destroy an orphanage?......also I am curious....since they wear space suits through the entire episode when did you see these tatoos? there something you haven't been telling us about your private life?
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This video was made for the video game Grand Theft Auto IV, by Rockstar games. I don't understand all of it, but I find it funny none the less.
I thought you saw something, so I inquired about it. I hardly see anything gullible in that. And again, you have yet to provide anything against tattoos other than "I don't like them".
I thought you saw something, so I inquired about it. I hardly see anything gullible in that. And again, you have yet to provide anything against tattoos other than "I don't like them".

You don't really understand the expression 'taking the piss', do you?
No, we've been over it before. You tried explaining it, I said I didn't get it.

This from the source of all knowledge .... (whoops - there I go again....)

The term sometimes refers to a form of mockery in which the mocker exaggerates the other person's characteristics; pretending to take on his or her attitudes, etc., in order to make them look funny. Or it may be used to refer to a ruse where a person is led to believe something is true that isn't (usually a fairly unbelievable story) for the purpose of ridicule of the "victim".

The phrase is in common usage throughout British society, employed by headline writers in broadsheet gazettes[2] and tabloids[3] as well as colloquially and is also used in English speaking countries such as Australia.[4][5]

In colloquial usage, 'taking the piss' is also used to refer to someone or something that makes a claim which is not in line with a recognised agreement e.g. an invoice that is double the quoted price with no explanation for the added charge could be said to 'take the piss', or likewise if something consistently misses a deadline.
No, we've been over it before. You tried explaining it, I said I didn't get it.

If it's coming from him, it's an asshole statement from the Asshole in Chief; The man hiding out who tucked tail and ran to Hong Kong, China where he can finally be a BIG MAN amongst the little people and spew insults at the US.

It's no wonder he blew 2/3 of his heart out. The rest is running on pure, unabbreviated English shite and once the fumes are gone, so will the stench.