This is how dumb Prakosh is....

In another thread, he asked me to prove him wrong, and I told him his name was Prakosh. I couldn't think of anything more to say. Upon further consideration, I realized that many people might not understand, since there are so many dumb people here, so I decided to explain in this thread.

First of all, Prakosh is an Indian girl name, the female version of Prakash. The Indian meaning of Prakash, is Light of the Veda, which is refrencing the Indian Spiritual belief in the Vedic Scriptures. (Yeah, belief in one of those myths!)

Swami Vivekanand, the seer-sage of global repute and reverence, has been among the most eminent exponents of Vedic Philosophy and Indian Culture in the present era of scientific advancement. He regarded the Vedas as self-existent, eternal repositories of divine knowledge. According to him the word "Veda" means supreme knowledge. His explanations indicate that the spiritual light of Vedas discovered by the Rishis in the state of deep trance is compiled in the four Vedas, only parts of which were available in the later ages. The insights of Sri Aurobindo - another rishi of our times, unfolded in the ’Secrets of the Vedas’ could be summarized as -- "Veda is the name of that supreme spiritual truth, which is the ultimate realization of human mind. Veda is the impulse of divine voice, emanated from the infinite that reached the inner perception of those who had the sublime faculty to receive it. Veda is a self-inspired knowledge of the absolute". According to him the Vedas are the spiritual and mental seeds of the Divine Culture of the Vedic Age. Vedas were the beginning of our spiritual enlightenment and will also be its (ultimate) end. It is the eternal truth that the Vedas represent.

Isn't that IRONIC?

Prakosh is the female version of the spiritual light of Vedic Scriptures! LMAO!
I figure that tomorrow night you'll be looking at the same thing you're looking at tonight and every other night...your two inch dick and a Penthouse magazine.
In another thread, he asked me to prove him wrong, and I told him his name was Prakosh. I couldn't think of anything more to say. Upon further consideration, I realized that many people might not understand, since there are so many dumb people here, so I decided to explain in this thread.

First of all, Prakosh is an Indian girl name, the female version of Prakash. The Indian meaning of Prakash, is Light of the Veda, which is refrencing the Indian Spiritual belief in the Vedic Scriptures. (Yeah, belief in one of those myths!)

Swami Vivekanand, the seer-sage of global repute and reverence, has been among the most eminent exponents of Vedic Philosophy and Indian Culture in the present era of scientific advancement. He regarded the Vedas as self-existent, eternal repositories of divine knowledge. According to him the word "Veda" means supreme knowledge. His explanations indicate that the spiritual light of Vedas discovered by the Rishis in the state of deep trance is compiled in the four Vedas, only parts of which were available in the later ages. The insights of Sri Aurobindo - another rishi of our times, unfolded in the ’Secrets of the Vedas’ could be summarized as -- "Veda is the name of that supreme spiritual truth, which is the ultimate realization of human mind. Veda is the impulse of divine voice, emanated from the infinite that reached the inner perception of those who had the sublime faculty to receive it. Veda is a self-inspired knowledge of the absolute". According to him the Vedas are the spiritual and mental seeds of the Divine Culture of the Vedic Age. Vedas were the beginning of our spiritual enlightenment and will also be its (ultimate) end. It is the eternal truth that the Vedas represent.

Isn't that IRONIC?

Prakosh is the female version of the spiritual light of Vedic Scriptures! LMAO!

What is ironic is that you would spend so much time trying to discover the name and meaning of the name of a person who you just claimed two days ago to not give a wit about. Here's how I obtained the name, eight years ago. The elect Bush Boards long since defunct appeared on Netscape in late 1998, I wanted to contribute but I needed a name. I looked through my books on the bookshelf next to my desk where I had my computer. I spotted a recent acquistition by Gyan Prakash. I thought Prakash was a good name, but when I tried to obtain it, it was already taken. So I tried another spelling "Prakosh" and thus my cyber-identity was born. The book was entitled; After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Post Colonial Displacements (1995), hardly a religious text of any kind whatsoever and certainly nothing directly about Indian religion. Go ahead check it out, I'm sure you can find the book on Amazon. Whatever else you know about me or think you know or seek to discern will generally always prove to be erroneous. But it is interesting that you went to all that trouble over the name of a person that you care nothing whatsoever about; I wonder what you do with those you really care about. Pretty scarey that!!!!!!!!

I'm flattered though nonetheless. I really am getting to you aren't I BILLO!!!!!

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!!!!!!!

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!!!!!!!

LOL... I already knew this, tell me something I don't know!

I thought Prakash was a good name, but when I tried to obtain it, it was already taken.

There must have been a massive number of pinheads there! It does show a certain open-mindedness, that you adopted the female version, though.

But it is interesting that you went to all that trouble over the name of a person that you care nothing whatsoever about

I think you have misinterpreted something, I never said I cared nothing whatsoever about you. I don't care about your opinion, or what you say about me, but I care a great deal about you, and every other pinhead, why do you think I spend so much time here, trying to educate you, trying to convert you, and doing my best to help you work through your anger issues? I'm pretty much like a Conservative Care4All! Except, I really care, it's not just a moniker to make people think I care.

hardly a religious text of any kind whatsoever and certainly nothing directly about Indian religion.

Yes, but I researched the roots of the word, and Prakosh (I knew it sounded gay) is the female version of Prakash, which means "Light of Vedas", the spiritual Indian Vedic scriptures. I just thought that was sooooo funny! And here you are, bashing religion as "myths" and I bet you didn't even know your name is spiritual in nature. Per your explanation, I was obviously correct... Again...*sigh*
"Convert" me, that sounds pretty damn religious to me. "Educate" me, I thought that if you wished to educate someone you had to know more than they do. I think your education should begin with yourself. As far as I can tell you still don't know how the primary system worked under the "solid south" regimen. "Care" about me...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!

Even though you think this name is religious, at least it isn't racist in nature, like one name here is!!!!!! And I didn't have to do research to come to that conclusion. Look Away! Look Away!!! Next you'll be trying to tell me that the White Citizens Councils were charitable organizations.
"Convert" me, that sounds pretty damn religious to me.

Well, I'm not non-religious, like you are, even though you have a spiritual name.

"Educate" me, I thought that if you wished to educate someone you had to know more than they do.

Not true, they simply have to believe you know more than them.

I think your education should begin with yourself.

Hillary says, it takes a village!

As far as I can tell you still don't know how the primary system worked under the "solid south" regimen.

Which proves you know nothing of how smart I am.

Even though you think this name is religious, at least it isn't racist in nature, like one name here is!!!!!!

No, I don't "think" the name is religious, the name IS spiritual. "Dixie" isn't racist, and judging by your simplistic retort, I doubt you fully understand what racism is. A "Dixie" is an old iron British Army kettle.

And I didn't have to do research to come to that conclusion.

No shit? Just pulled it right out of your ass, did you?
As far as I can tell you still don't know how the primary system worked under the "solid south" regimen.

Which proves you know nothing of how smart I am.

Smart is as smart does and you still haven't demonstrated such knowledge, in fact you have resisted that question entirely, and I certainly wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions regarding your intelligence. In fact, for someone so smart you generally ignore or avoid most questions put to you.

No, I don't "think" the name is religious, the name IS spiritual. "Dixie" isn't racist, and judging by your simplistic retort, I doubt you fully understand what racism is. A "Dixie" is an old iron British Army kettle.

So you're named after a pee-pot!!!!

One more thing, if you look closely at most names, you will find that many of them are of a religious origin. Say Joseph, Michael, Daniel, and amny other common names appear in the Bible don't they. Does that make them religious or "spiritual"; only the Dixie knows and can decide. But at least I don't have an avatar that is specifically racist in its origins and in its recent incarnation which originated during the fight over school desegregation and which Dixie will now claim was not associated in any way with racisim, because segregation wasn't a racist philosophy. Let's here it Dixie. "Look Away. Look Away"!!!
Smart is as smart does and you still haven't demonstrated such knowledge, in fact you have resisted that question entirely, and I certainly wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions regarding your intelligence. In fact, for someone so smart you generally ignore or avoid most questions put to you.

I have found that willingness to answer questions, is not often indicative of intelligence. In fact, intelligence can often be seen in refusal to answer certain questions. You seem to think the ability to answer questions is some measure of intelligence, and I argue, it's not the ability to answer questions at all, it's the ability to know which questions to ask, and which to answer.

So you're named after a pee-pot!!!!

Well, a British iron kettle... I guess they could have used them for pee-pots.

...only the Dixie knows and can decide.

I like that! Can I use it?

But at least I don't have an avatar that is specifically racist in its origins...

Nothing about the Confederate Navy Jack is racist, it wasn't created as a racist symbol, and was never used by its creators, as a symbol of racial supremacy. You can apply your northern stereotypes, and assume it is used with racist intent, but my words have never conveyed racism, and I have often disclosed the historic nature of why I honor Confederate veterans. In this argument, who is being 'intellectually dishonest' and who speaks the truth? Can you show me something that indicates the Navy Jack was designed and originated as a racist symbol? Is there some significant meaning to the stars and bars, or the configuration and colors, which would denote racism, or racist beliefs? It seems you want to point your crooked finger at something, and just proclaim it "racist" because you say it is, or that is what you learned from the bigots who mis-educated you.
my guess is, if you asked black americans whether or not the stars and bars - the battle flag of the slave owning confederacy - was a symbol of racism, there would be near unanimity in their agreement.

Kinda like the swastika.... the ancient hindus who first designed it, I am sure never thought it would be used as the symbol for an organization that roasted seven million jews....

the stars and bars has been used as a symbol or racial supremacy throughout the 20th century...and its insensitive boorish use continues here today.... by a redneck hick who displays it proudly yet wants us all to believe that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body.
Kinda like the swastika.... the ancient hindus who first designed it, I am sure never thought it would be used as the symbol for an organization that roasted seven million jews....

If some Ancient Hindu had a Swastika on the headstone of an Ancient Hindu soldier who died in war, I would understand that the symbol was used in reverence to his ancient ancestors, and not as a symbol of anti-Semitic Nazism. I can do this, because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught me to judge men by the content of their character, not prejudiced stereotypes.

I know that you probably have some symbol you are proud of, from your days in the Navy, an emblem or seal that means a lot to you, because of what it represented. I want you to imagine, if some obscure hate group hijacked that symbol, and disgraced it with attribution to their cause, it would likely piss you off. You would be so angered and upset at these people, for disgracing this symbol you held in great respect, if you could get to them, you'd kick their asses! Right? Well... it's the same way here. I refuse to let people hijack something that is a symbol of honor for my dead relatives.
Nothing about the Confederate Navy Jack is racist, it wasn't created as a racist symbol, and was never used by its creators, as a symbol of racial supremacy. You can apply your northern stereotypes, and assume it is used with racist intent, but my words have never conveyed racism, and I have often disclosed the historic nature of why I honor Confederate veterans. In this argument, who is being 'intellectually dishonest' and who speaks the truth? Can you show me something that indicates the Navy Jack was designed and originated as a racist symbol? Is there some significant meaning to the stars and bars, or the configuration and colors, which would denote racism, or racist beliefs? It seems you want to point your crooked finger at something, and just proclaim it "racist" because you say it is, or that is what you learned from the bigots who mis-educated you.

Blow it out your butt BILLO, the flag is racist in origins and in usage. There is a reason why some southern states have either refuted its flying or have stopped flying it and it's because it is a symbol of racism, pure and simple and all the BS in the world from you will not in the least change that. You are the only person on this board who blatantly proclaims his racism symbolically. Yet you continue to claim that this widely regarded symbol of racism is not such a symbol in your hands. Yet, hundreds of thousands of people around the United States have come to understand that this is what that flag represents.

Perhaps you should become a little more honest, BILLO, this is a free country after all, you are entitled to be a racist if you want to be. You're in obtuse company. But at least stop lying about the flag and embrace its racist connotations. Quit pretending that it isn't what it is. That only makes the "smart" Dixie look pretty stupid. And you don't want to look stupid do you BILLO? Of course you don't! But this has finally enabled me to answer one question definitely, unless of course, something changes. No wonder you worship Bush so much--you and he are absolutely alike. He says one thing and does exactly the opposite (like signing the anti-torture bill and claiiming the US doesn't torture while signing a statement saying the bill's provisions won't apply to him), and so do you.