This is How Fucking Sick Obama Is


Originally Posted by DamnYankee

Thanks for admitting what I've suspected about liberals all along: you think that unelected bureaucrats should supersede Congress. This is exactly why Conservatives like Herman Cain, because he proposes not to try and fix these bureaucracies, but eliminate them.

Good luck with that...the closest he'll come to the White House is on a tour.

And actually, I find it very fickle and hypocritical of you racist white SOB's, to put aside your racism and contempt for black people, and conveniently support Herman Cain, who for all practical purposes "is white, himself"...and speaks just like a slave master of olde. It bespeaks of your desperation and hatred for decent , intelligent black people who are not willing to go "quietly, in to that dark night", without calling your racist asses out for the hypocrites and two-timing bitches that you are. Get a house negro to do the massa's work, and depose the negro who would be more inclined to "slit massa's throat"...not to be trusted, because he has a mind of his own. And everyone knows that a mind, especially a negro with one, is a dangerous thing, indeed.
Damn Yankee - I agree with you that un elected bureaucrats shouldn't supersede congress, perhaps you should take up that same argument with all of the 236
members of the House and the 41 senators that have signed the Norquist tax pledge. See this is the problem with you conservative hypocrites, your the classic case of the double standard. You let a stand up comedian paralyze the country. In case you didn't know, Grover Norquist is a comedian by trade..!!