APP - This is how low the left has sunk

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
During the whole Russian Collusion "hoax" many on the left here at JPP rejoiced in how Paul Manafort was treated. Leftists demanded that Al Queda terrorists be treated better than Manafort was treated. Think about that for a second. Democrats advocated for better treatment of Al Queda terrorists than their own citizens.

That is what the democrat party has been reduced to.

Maybe muslims are the new soviets? Remember when leftists sided with soviets who were America's enemies? Now it is the muslims
When was Paul Manafort waterboarded?
When was Paul Manafort imprisoned for more than a year with no trial or even indictment?

Think about your premise for a second? It is nothing but a partisan screed not based on any facts.

Manafort was given bail. (It was revoked when he violated the provisions on which it was granted.)
Manafort was allowed to have a lawyer.
Manafort was tried with a jury of his peers.

I don't know of any leftists demanding Al Qaeda be granted bail while they wait for trial.
The Constitution allows everyone accused of a crime to have a lawyer.
Al Qaeda certainly wouldn't be tried with a jury of their peers.
During the whole Russian Collusion "hoax" many on the left here at JPP rejoiced in how Paul Manafort was treated. Leftists demanded that Al Queda terrorists be treated better than Manafort was treated. Think about that for a second. Democrats advocated for better treatment of Al Queda terrorists than their own citizens.

That is what the democrat party has been reduced to.

Maybe muslims are the new soviets? Remember when leftists sided with soviets who were America's enemies? Now it is the muslims

They both hate America, so that's where the solidarity is. But the Muzzies are known to exploit weakness, and plan their strike once they get a majority. Like the rats that they are, Muzzy women can breed a majority population within a single generation.

This is why I would like to isolate Southern California, or maybe the Northeast, take your pick, then banish them from the US of A. Then ban Islam and expel all its adherents to the new People's Republic of Kalifornia. Without Americans to protect then, the Muzzies would turn on the libs within a generation. Blood running in the streets of LA would show anyone left that quarantine is the only solution for the Muzzy problem.
They both hate America, so that's where the solidarity is. But the Muzzies are known to exploit weakness, and plan their strike once they get a majority. Like the rats that they are, Muzzy women can breed a majority population within a single generation.

This is why I would like to isolate Southern California, or maybe the Northeast, take your pick, then banish them from the US of A. Then ban Islam and expel all its adherents to the new People's Republic of Kalifornia. Without Americans to protect then, the Muzzies would turn on the libs within a generation. Blood running in the streets of LA would show anyone left that quarantine is the only solution for the Muzzy problem.
You want to violate the US Constitution and that means the other side hates America?

Your argument is filled with racism. There certainly isn't any logic in it.
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You want to violate the US Constitution and that means the other side hates America?

Your argument is filled with racism. There certainly isn't any logic in it.

All we have to do not to violate the Constitution is define Islam for what it is: a cult and terrorist incubator.

It's not racist to hate Islam. It is racist, however, to suggest that anyone in Islam is of a particular race. Why are you so racist?