This is no joke: addicted to cheese

"Cheese" or "starter heroin" is a combination of heroin and ground up cold medicine (Tylenol PM) containing acetaminophen and diphenhydramine.

This combination appears to be highly addictive. Withdrawal symptoms from “cheese” may begin within twelve hours of use (see below).

Street names/slang terms:

Drug Type:
Heroin is a "downer" that affects the brain's pleasure systems and interferes with the brain's ability to perceive pain. It is a highly addictive drug derived from morphine, which is obtained from the opium poppy.

What does it look like?
The powder looks like grated parmesan cheese.

How is it used?
The mixture is a tan powder that is snorted.

Short-term Effects:
• disorientation
• lethargy
• sleepiness
• hunger
• severe headaches
• chills
• muscle pains & spasms
• anxiety
• agitation
• disassociation

Long-term Effects:
• addiction
• collapsed veins
• infection of the heart lining and valves
• respiratory depression or failure
• abscesses
• cellulites
• liver disease
• pulmonary complications including pneumonia
• clogging of blood vessels
• cold flashes with goose bumps
• involuntary kicking movements
never touch anything with heroin in it. In spite of the increase of production it in our democratic ally Afganistan.
Because its snorted I think some young people may not relise what it is until its too late.

Coke can seem harmless to some at first and this thing being called cheese may confuse them as to its dangers.

I tell the kids I know not to try any of it.

Of course it makes you feel good, that is why anyone takes any drug.
When you mess with any of it you are just shopping arround for the perfect one to destry you.

Pot is no problem and should be legal

Anything else is a dont even try in my book.
well this isnt all that new, but it is getting more popular...

H is bad news... i just watched a good freind pass away on it not but year ago, and i am getting ready for another, infact just talked to him a month ago. he is basicly a walking dead man right now.

people... you just cant put words to discribe the nastyness of herion.

i have watched 4 of my good freind wither away on this shit, and now on my fitih.
There are a couple of serious problems with this stuff: First, it's concocted in a dangerous combination of two "downers": heroin and diphenhydramine, an antihistamine in Tylenon PM, which also has sedative properties. Second, apparently it's so cheap ($2. a pop according to the CNN article) that it's readily accessible to teens too young and too uninformed (and too full of that adolescent feeling of invincibility) to evaluate its dangers.

Apparently this stuff has killed 21 teens in the past year in the Dallas area alone. Very, very scary. I wouldn't want to be a parent in these times.
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I have lost 3 friends to booze but none to pot. I really don't know anyone into heroin....

i wish i could say that... i have lost frinds to booze, coke, H, meth and pharm's... H is by far the worst.

the first one lost too H, well he was in treatment at the time. OD in treatment.

its reely F'ed up
i wish i could say that... i have lost frinds to booze, coke, H, meth and pharm's... H is by far the worst.

the first one lost too H, well he was in treatment at the time. OD in treatment.

its reely F'ed up

let me restate that H and meth are the worst... H is worse for me just because it has affected me more.

i wont say any narcodic should be or shouldnt be illeagle...

what we do need is better education.... even though, i truly dont belive this stuff will ever go away.
Actually what society needs...

let me restate that H and meth are the worst... H is worse for me just because it has affected me more.

i wont say any narcodic should be or shouldnt be illeagle...

what we do need is better education.... even though, i truly dont belive this stuff will ever go away.

is better parents...'all' of my kids are not involved in drugs...I keep em' busy with sports and parent interaction...we all have no need for fear of peer pressure! Hell even the G'kids listen to oldies...the innocent time music!
is better parents...'all' of my kids are not involved in drugs...I keep em' busy with sports and parent interaction...we all have no need for fear of peer pressure! Hell even the G'kids listen to oldies...the innocent time music!

yes that is a big part of it....

brandon... the first and one of the best freinds i have ever had, well he and his parents were vary good freinds, his parrents did alot with him and his freinds, they were vary involved. i am not tring to disscourage, but encourage more interaction.

do what ever you have too, at all costs, dont let your kids into this life style.
is better parents...'all' of my kids are not involved in drugs...I keep em' busy with sports and parent interaction...we all have no need for fear of peer pressure! Hell even the G'kids listen to oldies...the innocent time music!

#1) You don't for sure that they never experimented with drugs

#2) Involvement doesn't necessarily guarantee that they won't get into drugs

#3) Didn't you say that you're "kids" were like 30 or 40?
#1) You don't for sure that they never experimented with drugs

#2) Involvement doesn't necessarily guarantee that they won't get into drugs

#3) Didn't you say that you're "kids" were like 30 or 40?

well the youngest daughter is 33 the oldest is 38..and I do have some involvement with the grandkids...a lost art in your world...I see...carry on though I must get the chicken outta the blackened chicken for