APP - This is not surprising

Oh, I thought this would be about rumpf being betrayed by the man giving "states" evidence against him & his Russian masters..............:dunno:
Oh, I thought this would be about rumpf being betrayed by the man giving "states" evidence against him & his Russian masters..............:dunno:

No this is about ABC jumping the gun and getting the story wrong.

Not sure why there was all of this excitement yesterday. It wasn't as if Flynn admitted to doing something that we didn't already know? Everyone knew that he wasn't honest with the FBI about his meetings with the Russian Ambassador. The FBI already had the tapes. The FBI already confirmed that he did nothing illegal.

But, like all witch hunts, they bullied Flynn into a "process crime" in order to conflate it into something bigger. Will Flynn lie now to save his bacon? Who knows?

We do know that there has been not one scintilla of evidence regarding President Trump and so called "Russian collusion". This is nothing more than a ginned up witch hunt trying to undo the 2016 election by the Deep State.
Poor honest flynn & trumpf, victims I say, VICTIMS!!!! :rofl2:

Me wantum your tax dollar That is funny :rofl2:...