This is one boring World Series...

They are all boring to me.
All pro sports could go away and I would not miss them one bit.
I know I am abbienormal in this respect, along with a few other apsects ;)
I think that part of the problem is the abysmal nature of Fox Sports coverage. I was so disappointed to learn that they had the contract not only for the divisional series, but also for the finals! We've suffered through their coverage during the regular season, because they cover the "local" games (well nothing's local here, but...).

I miss Jon and Joe! Especially for those who only watch the finals, Joe Morgan is the best there is at describing and explaining the intricacies of baseball, and would help so much in drawing new viewers to the sport during the regular season. Joe Buck hasn't made the acquaintance of that anachronism of the English language, the verb, and the camera work is the pits. Also the coverage seems to be heavily partisan to the Cards. I'm only watching it at all because I want the Tigers to win. (Last game I saw in person was at Tiger Stadium).

Hopefully next year the coverage will go to a network that knows what they're doing.
They are all boring to me.
All pro sports could go away and I would not miss them one bit.
I know I am abbienormal in this respect, along with a few other apsects ;)

I concur with these sentiments wholeheartedly. Sports are the secular version in all its complexity of waht Marx once called the "opium of the people"!*

*from the introduction of Marx's 1843 work Contribution to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
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