APP - This is phenomenal news

I love when leftist policies rear up to bite leftists in the rearend

Leftists always think they can avoid the policies they advocate but in this instance they can’t

I wish the worst upon them

They wanted illegal immigrants from third world crap holes and now they got it.

I can truly say that I also wish the worst on leftist Americans, as in 'democrats'. But I also wish the worst for the rightist Americans too. The reason is, all of America must suffer great pain in order to right all the wrongs that Trump has brought to the country.

And the sooner the better! In fact, the world stands in great danger until Trump is taken down in my opinion. That is clearly seen as the mission by the FBI and Mueller, who is working on behalf of the FBI to save America.

Could Trump start a nuclear war? He's got all his ducks lined up to do it. And sadly, some Americans truly believe that their country can win in a nuclear war.

Welcome again to this section of the forum. We need people like you to bounce ideas off!

p.s. I have only good wishes for Americans who have finally come to realize that the two major parties represent destruction of the entire country.