This is pretty funny


Villified User
Jewish Group Condemns Indiana Republican Over Anti-Jewish Comments

Thursday, February 22, 2007

An Indianapolis mayoral candidate is under attack from a national Jewish group amid reports he made anti-Semitic remarks, according to a press release from the organization.

The National Jewish Democratic Council called for the removal of Republican Bob Parker from the party's slate of possible mayoral candidates after reports that the local businessman made anti-Jewish comments.

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According to a report on the Indianapolis Star Web site, Parker made several comments about the American Jewish community.

"I personally see Israel going into Iran and Syria in the next couple of months," he said. "I'm sure you realize -- well, most people don't -- millionaire Democrats outnumber millionaire Republicans four to one. It's mainly because of the Jewish faction inside the Democratic Party. Most Jewish people are Democrats and they bring that wealth. My opinion is, if Israel would go into Iran, Democrats will follow that cause. I really do believe that," he is quoted as saying.

The NJDC called the comments 'problematic,' and asked that the Indiana Republican Party and the Republican National Committee condemn the candidate for his remarks.,2933,253904,00.html