This is really going to piss off Mott!

cancel2 2022

Ohio mulls over making sex with animals illegal


Two local senators are trying to make it illegal for humans to conduct any sex-related activities with animals. The bill they’ve put forward would also ban people from selling animals for sexual purposes and buying animals to get down and dirty in the hay. Detective Jeremy Hoffman made a link between bestiality and child porn. He told WCPO: ‘I realized that much like those in our society who choose to abuse children, those who sexually abuse animals lack any semblance of a moral compass; they lack any sense of sexual boundaries.’ Currently the bill, brought forward by senators Jim Hughes and Jay Hottinger, has not received any opposition, but who knows?

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Ohio mulls over making sex with animals illegal


Two local senators are trying to make it illegal for humans to conduct any sex-related activities with animals. The bill they’ve put forward would also ban people from selling animals for sexual purposes and buying animals to get down and dirty in the hay. Detective Jeremy Hoffman made a link between bestiality and child porn. He told WCPO: ‘I realized that much like those in our society who choose to abuse children, those who sexually abuse animals lack any semblance of a moral compass; they lack any sense of sexual boundaries.’ Currently the bill, brought forward by senators Jim Hughes and Jay Hottinger, has not received any opposition, but who knows?

This aint the first time that some church goin conservative has tried this shit. Same thing happens every time. The nitwit who proposed the vote gets patted on the back and transferred to the public sanitation committee. When the vote comes around they'll commence to argue about it and then one of them will open a keg of old bust head and pretty much nothing of importance happens after that.

We never had a problem with that animal buggery stuff till that fella Larry Flint moved here from Kentucky and started having indecent relations with Mrs. Baumann's prize Rhode Island Red.

By the way....where did you find the pic of the hot michigan babe?
I'd better get to Ohio quick, don't want to miss out. What's your favorite farms in the Colombus area, Mott?
Probably the same as most Buckeyes. Bob Evans Farm. The original Bob Evans family farm is about an hour drive from here.

But shame on me, ya'll don't have Bob Evans down there in Mississippi, do you?

Bob Evans is the Yankee cousin of Jimmy Dean.
Bob Evans. A restaurant? They had one in a town about an hour from here but it closed down within a year.
Bob Evans. A restaurant? They had one in a town about an hour from here but it closed down within a year.
Well there one of the better Breakfast chains but I wouldn't drive an hour to go to one either. The original Bob Evans, the businessman, family farm is in southeast Ohio near Gallopolis.