This is some weird history.... almost as interesting as the bat bombs...


Staff member
Ain't any weirder than the Soviet tank dogs, "the Russian trainers had made a serious tactical error by training the dogs with Soviet tanks, which ran on diesel. The animals were accustomed to the smell of diesel, but German tanks used gasoline. Thus, the dogs were completely confused on the battlefield" (, although the dogs were probably a bit more sucessful

Or aircraft carriers made out of ice (, problem there was that after deciding it was a go they discovered they would have to construct a facility that one could construct a massive ice boat
Ain't any weirder than the Soviet tank dogs, "the Russian trainers had made a serious tactical error by training the dogs with Soviet tanks, which ran on diesel. The animals were accustomed to the smell of diesel, but German tanks used gasoline. Thus, the dogs were completely confused on the battlefield" (, although the dogs were probably a bit more sucessful

Or aircraft carriers made out of ice (, problem there was that after deciding it was a go they discovered they would have to construct a facility that one could construct a massive ice boat

Ever hear of the trained dolphins debacle? That one actually made me slightly angry.