This is the left


Oderint dum metuant

A sex education summer camp in Indianapolis will instruct elementary school children about condom usage, the “spectrum” of gender, and sexual kinks, according to the camp’s event page.

"Sexuality educator" Ashley Robertson will host the week-long camp from June 6 – 10 for third through fifth graders, according to the camp’s "All Events" page.

All parents who plan to send their kids to the camp, which teaches a curriculum called “Our Whole Lives,” must attend an orientation on May 28 where they are required “to sign behavior agreements, enrollment paperwork, and waivers,” according to the event page.

“The Our Whole Lives curriculum offers a positive, affirming take on puberty, human sexuality, and social emotional skills without coercive abstinence-based strategies,” the page reads.

Kids attending the workshop will not be divided by gender while discussing puberty, bodies and sex, because “gender is a spectrum and not a binary,” according to the FAQs of the page.

Children will also see a “condom demonstration” because “at this age, kids are primed for level-headed learning,” the page says.

I don't see what this has to do with the left!

So you say.

Meanwhile, for the adults in the room...

The Biden pedophile cartel is once again showing its authoritarian impulses. This time, it’s over parents’ rights to control and monitor their children’s safety.

On Tuesday, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona threatened Florida with legal actions after the Legislature passed the Parental Rights in Education bill barring sexual grooming of kids as young as 3.
It's funny because it's true


Sex Offenders, Pedophiles, and DEMOCRATS Hardest Hit by Florida’s New Parental Rights Bill

America's greatest governor has signed a bill into law stating that no one is allowed to teach kids 3rd grade or younger using creepy, sexually inappropriate, and graphic materials.

The bill specifically prohibits teaching little children to "explore" adult-child sexual orientation and gender identity—which has obviously put sex offenders, pedophiles, and other DEMOCRATS in panic mode.

"We've been dealt a massive blow. This is utterly devastating to us," said Tom Peepin, a registered sex offender. "I used to be a guest speaker at local elementary schools. There I would indoctrinate—I mean educate kids on fun things to try when their parents weren't around, but now what am I supposed to do?"

Florida pedophiles, sex offenders and other DEMOCRATS have set up an emergency meeting to address what actions they should take moving forward.

Many unionized public school teachers have resigned, vowing to flee to other states more tolerant of teaching kindergartners how to have sex with each other and themselves.

"If we can't influence kids while they barely know how to read, our job becomes much harder." said concerned pedophile Chester Bovervitz.

"It's horrific! I can't read sexually suggestive books to kids or show them pornographic images," said Seidi Bundleflub—a gender-nonconforming local teacher who is a registered DEMOCRAT poll worker and sex offender. "And now by law, we have to tell parents what their child identifies as. Their sexuality and gender used to be our dirty little secret!"

At press time, hundreds of sex offenders, pedophiles, and other DEMOCRATS were spotted protesting outside America's greatest governor's office.

They were throwing themselves on the ground, writhing, and foaming at the mouth while shouting "GAY!" to show America's greatest governor they were serious.

A sex education summer camp in Indianapolis will instruct elementary school children about condom usage, the “spectrum” of gender, and sexual kinks, according to the camp’s event page.

"Sexuality educator" Ashley Robertson will host the week-long camp from June 6 – 10 for third through fifth graders, according to the camp’s "All Events" page.

All parents who plan to send their kids to the camp, which teaches a curriculum called “Our Whole Lives,” must attend an orientation on May 28 where they are required “to sign behavior agreements, enrollment paperwork, and waivers,” according to the event page.

“The Our Whole Lives curriculum offers a positive, affirming take on puberty, human sexuality, and social emotional skills without coercive abstinence-based strategies,” the page reads.

Kids attending the workshop will not be divided by gender while discussing puberty, bodies and sex, because “gender is a spectrum and not a binary,” according to the FAQs of the page.

Children will also see a “condom demonstration” because “at this age, kids are primed for level-headed learning,” the page says.



A sex education summer camp in Indianapolis will instruct elementary school children about condom usage, the “spectrum” of gender, and sexual kinks, according to the camp’s event page.

"Sexuality educator" Ashley Robertson will host the week-long camp from June 6 – 10 for third through fifth graders, according to the camp’s "All Events" page.

All parents who plan to send their kids to the camp, which teaches a curriculum called “Our Whole Lives,” must attend an orientation on May 28 where they are required “to sign behavior agreements, enrollment paperwork, and waivers,” according to the event page.

“The Our Whole Lives curriculum offers a positive, affirming take on puberty, human sexuality, and social emotional skills without coercive abstinence-based strategies,” the page reads.

Kids attending the workshop will not be divided by gender while discussing puberty, bodies and sex, because “gender is a spectrum and not a binary,” according to the FAQs of the page.

Children will also see a “condom demonstration” because “at this age, kids are primed for level-headed learning,” the page says.


3rd through 5th graders? Sex? Wtf?! That's fucked up.

Sex Offenders, Pedophiles, and DEMOCRATS Hardest Hit by Florida’s New Parental Rights Bill

America's greatest governor has signed a bill into law stating that no one is allowed to teach kids 3rd grade or younger using creepy, sexually inappropriate, and graphic materials.

The bill specifically prohibits teaching little children to "explore" adult-child sexual orientation and gender identity—which has obviously put sex offenders, pedophiles, and other DEMOCRATS in panic mode.

"We've been dealt a massive blow. This is utterly devastating to us," said Tom Peepin, a registered sex offender. "I used to be a guest speaker at local elementary schools. There I would indoctrinate—I mean educate kids on fun things to try when their parents weren't around, but now what am I supposed to do?"

Florida pedophiles, sex offenders and other DEMOCRATS have set up an emergency meeting to address what actions they should take moving forward.

Many unionized public school teachers have resigned, vowing to flee to other states more tolerant of teaching kindergartners how to have sex with each other and themselves.

"If we can't influence kids while they barely know how to read, our job becomes much harder." said concerned pedophile Chester Bovervitz.

"It's horrific! I can't read sexually suggestive books to kids or show them pornographic images," said Seidi Bundleflub—a gender-nonconforming local teacher who is a registered DEMOCRAT poll worker and sex offender. "And now by law, we have to tell parents what their child identifies as. Their sexuality and gender used to be our dirty little secret!"

At press time, hundreds of sex offenders, pedophiles, and other DEMOCRATS were spotted protesting outside America's greatest governor's office.

They were throwing themselves on the ground, writhing, and foaming at the mouth while shouting "GAY!" to show America's greatest governor they were serious.

That's a good thing! :D