APP - This is the type of thinking on the left


In a thread about the Manafort sentencing, I astutely observed the following

........Manaforts investigation and subsequent prosecution had EVERYTHING to do with Trump and you know it. That isn't to say he shouldn't have been punished for his crimes, I am merely pointing out that he was on the FBIs radar for years for these crimes and they never pursued him

All of this was done because of Manafort's association with Trump. I firmly believe that had Manafort never been involved with the Trump campaign, he would have never been pursued by authorities. Remember that he worked for the Podesta's who are lifelong democrats. The Deep State does not go after democrats.

It didn't take long for one of our JPP friends on the left to confirm my well thought out analysis

You have no point, sonny.

Never did.

The President is the one who always gets examined under the microscope.

If Trump hadn't let his big, fat grossly over inflated ego convince him to run for President, Manafort would still be free to continue committing financial crimes with Trump and his Russsian cohorts and Trump himself wouldn't be under countless investigations.

**Sentence removed due to APP rules of decorum**

They both asked for and deserve everything they're getting.

Stop sniveling about it.

This is it in a nutshell for the left. The mere fact that President Trump ran for President has opened him up to these investigations. Had he not run for President, the left would be ignoring him. This is Soviet era intimidation in the United States of America by the american left.

It should frighten EVERY American.

I have removed the leftists name because I am not trying to call out any one individual as I firmly believe that ALL leftists maintain this position, this post just encapsulates it perfectly. This is the very definition of a witch hunt
In a thread about the Manafort sentencing, I astutely observed the following

It didn't take long for one of our JPP friends on the left to confirm my well thought out analysis

This is it in a nutshell for the left. The mere fact that President Trump ran for President has opened him up to these investigations. Had he not run for President, the left would be ignoring him. This is Soviet era intimidation in the United States of America by the american left.

It should frighten EVERY American.

I have removed the leftists name because I am not trying to call out any one individual as I firmly believe that ALL leftists maintain this position, this post just encapsulates it perfectly. This is the very definition of a witch hunt

In a thread about the Manafort sentencing, I astutely observed the following

It didn't take long for one of our JPP friends on the left to confirm my well thought out analysis

This is it in a nutshell for the left. The mere fact that President Trump ran for President has opened him up to these investigations. Had he not run for President, the left would be ignoring him. This is Soviet era intimidation in the United States of America by the american left.

It should frighten EVERY American.

I have removed the leftists name because I am not trying to call out any one individual as I firmly believe that ALL leftists maintain this position, this post just encapsulates it perfectly. This is the very definition of a witch hunt

The fact that Trump ran for President opened him up to increased scrutiny. Presidential candidates always get more scrutiny than real estate developers. It has nothing to do with left/right.

The increased scrutiny brought certain facts into the public's view and that in turn brought those facts to the attention of law enforcement and prosecutors because they appeared to be evidence of crimes.

Name one investigation of Trump that didn't start without first seeing evidence of a possible crime.
Are you arguing that Trump should be exempted from investigation even though there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation? Investigations certainly don't always result with indictments. What exactly is the standard you are proposing?

Let's look at it this way.
In one investigation the FBI decided that prosecution was unlikely because there was not enough evidence.
In another investigation the FBI decided that there was enough evidence to prosecute and that the Attorney General should make the final call.

Which investigation was more likely to be a witch hunt based on an unbiased standard?