"This Is What A King Does"


Well-known member
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy summed up in a phrase Trump's lawless power grab. If only so many Americans didn't want a king.

Elections have consequences, Marty.
The Most important part of the article: "
Despite a high level of concern by Democrats, state House Republican leader Vincent Candelora of North Haven urged calm, saying that some legislators had overreacted with “fear-mongering” about the potential loss of federal funds. He predicted the picture will be much more clear in the coming days.

“They are rooting for failure. They are trying to scare the public,” Candelora said of Democrats. “I’m not going to run to the microphone and scream ‘Fire!’ … All I’m saying is let’s take a pause and see what happens.”
The Most important part of the article: "
Despite a high level of concern by Democrats, state House Republican leader Vincent Candelora of North Haven urged calm, saying that some legislators had overreacted with “fear-mongering” about the potential loss of federal funds. He predicted the picture will be much more clear in the coming days.

“They are rooting for failure. They are trying to scare the public,” Candelora said of Democrats. “I’m not going to run to the microphone and scream ‘Fire!’ … All I’m saying is let’s take a pause and see what happens.”
Let's all calm down.

Isn't that what they said in the 1930's?
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy summed up in a phrase Trump's lawless power grab. If only so many Americans didn't want a king.

Same as the kingdom of any we say so democracy dictating who someone is in character daily instead of ancestral position alive as eternally separated here 7 days a week since concieved to replace and resent thei ancestry that lived so far each generaitongap living forward regardless the day of the week midnight to noon vs noon to midnight each planetary rotation forward checked off a calendar 24/7/365/365/365/366 intellectual relative time adds 3 mintues and 4 seconds every rotaiton to actual time rotating happens daily.

the invisible missing link in evolution theory or any God's creationism theology.
Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy summed up in a phrase Trump's lawless power grab. If only so many Americans didn't want a king.

Trump and his people should have sat down and gone over these programs first then stopped giving funds to programs that are not using the funds they get for what they were intended , and not stop programs like school lunches for the poor and other needed programs.
We do need to cut spending but doing it this way hurts Americans.
All Trumps EOs haven't gone into effect yet when they do and it starts hurting the MAGAS they will know it and start crying it is only a matter of time .
Right now they are crowing about the illegals being deported and not looking at what is going to come down the road.