This is what happens when the wrong people are in office.


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People who go into the service are our greatest Americans, what they then are told to do is a lie, When they say to protect the people of this country, I'd ask how? when they say it is to protect our freedom ,again I would ask how. Pick your war back to the second, the second being the last one we had or should have been in. Tell me about how they were fought for anything other then corporate interest. You send these young people to a war that's a lie and when they realized they were used , their justifications for doing the horrible things that have to be done in a war is gone. This is the result.
This is not new. In 1935 Smedley Butler wrote, "War is a Racket". He was the highest decorated soldier in WW1 and as a general afterwards, led attacks on countries to make them safe for American corporations, said war was about money and resources.
Incidentally American bankers and wealthy people put a plot together to overthrow FDR. They asked Butler to head it. Butler told on them, and a secret trial was held and none of the plotters was punished and it was held in secret. It is known that Prescott Bush was in on it.
So someone is sitting on the side setting a dollar value on someones child, and selling out our honor . There is no amount of deaths of our young for any type of bottom line profit. They give up other peoples lives for their profit.
So someone is sitting on the side setting a dollar value on someones child, and selling out our honor . There is no amount of deaths of our young for any type of bottom line profit. They give up other peoples lives for their profit.

American leaders spend human lives like cash to buy land and resources. The Repub policy is endless wars. That was the PNAC belief and Bush augmented it.
Bush and Cheney started the war by using one of the biggest liar in history as a source of their information, and they knew that, they started the war for money , nothing else and the biggest winners in the war Carlyle and Haliburtan. For the people who have no clue that's Bush and Cheney's pocket books .
republican voters are idiots and morons

Remember the "flag ribbon magnets" on the giant size gas guzzling SUVs during desert storm?