APP - This is why I hope the democrat party keeps talking about MA RUSSIA



Now, I know this is from Buzzfeed which is a well known right wing sight, but it is an interesting analysis and something many have been saying for months. Real Americans know that this Russia story is complete BS and candidates like McCaskill are worried that it will drag her down. Take a look at some of the pull quotes.

“The DNC is doing a good job of winning New York and California,” said David Betras, the Democratic county party chair in Mahoning County, Ohio, home to Youngstown. “I’m not saying it’s not important — of course it’s important — but do they honestly think that people that were just laid off another shift at the car plant in my home county give a shit about Russia when they don’t have a frickin’ job?”

and this

“I’m going to be honest; I don’t understand why they’re doing it,” said one campaign strategist in the Midwest of the DNC’s suit. “My sense was it was a move meant to gin up the donor base, not our voters. But it was the biggest news they’ve made in a while.”

Though he doesn’t see it hurting his campaign now, the strategist said, “I wouldn’t want to see something like this coming out of the DNC in October."

The suit is “politically unhelpful," another strategist in the Midwest said. "I haven’t seen a single piece of data that says voters want Democrats to relitigate 2016. ... The only ones who want to do this are Democratic activists who are already voting Democratic.”

So please, I really hope our friends from the democrat party keep pushing this line.