APP - This is why I say you always have to add 10% to Trumps approval ratings

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

There is this quiet support for President Trump that doesn't get captured in the polls. There is this underground. I see it in my personal life. Unfortunately, it is difficult for people to show outward signs of support because of liberal violence and doxxing. So these people go about their lives quietly not saying a word and then one day they just show up at the voting booth and pull the trigger for Trump leaving liberals bewildered.

My lovely and gracious wife is a perfect example. She is not as political as I am but, she pays attention to what is going on. She has a number of friends whom she loves dearly but are left wing loons. When they get together the left wing loons sometimes start off on some anti Trump rant. My wife who is a Trump supporter just simply says "hmmmmm" and "really?" but never joins in and never voices her support for Trump. To her, it just isn't worth it because she knows she will never change their minds and there are too many other things that they have in common to lose the friendship over politics. She also doesn't let me voice my opinion when we are all together because I would tell them to F off. I love my wife dearly so I acquiesce. The funny thing is that her friends take her silence as agreement.

That is why liberals are always surprised when they lose elections. They not only think they are the smartest, they just naturally believe that everyone agrees with them.

I am looking forward to this mid term election. If republicans turn out to vote, they can deal a blow to the democrat party that will send them into disarray for years.