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Villified User
Miami Plans Castro Death Party in Orange Bowl

Monday, January 29, 2007


Cuban leader Fidel Castro

MIAMI — With Fidel Castro seriously ill, the city of Miami is making plans to throw a party at the Orange Bowl when the Cuban president dies.

The city commission earlier this month appointed a committee — whose official job is to "Discuss an event at the Orange Bowl in case expected events occur in Cuba" — to plan the party. Such a gathering has long been part of the city's Castro death plan, but firming up the specifics has become more urgent since Castro became ill last summer and turned over power to his brother, Raul.

City Commissioner Tomas Regalado, a Cuban American, came up with the idea of using the venue for an event timed to Castro's demise. The Orange Bowl was the site of a speech by President Kennedy in 1961 promising a free Cuba and in the 1980s it served as a camp for refugees from the Mariel boatlift.

Castro "represents everything bad that has happened to the people of Cuba for 48 years," Regalado said. "There is something to celebrate, regardless of what happens next. ... We get rid of the guy."

At the committee's first meeting last week, former state Rep. Luis Morse stressed the need for an uplifting theme for the party — one not preoccupied with a human being's passing. The committee discussed including such a theme on T-shirts that would be made by private vendors for the event.

Several questions have to be decided. What musicians would perform? The city hopes entertainers will donate their services. How long will the event last? Hours? Days? And how much will it cost?

The plans have been criticized on Spanish language radio locally as the city dictating where people should party — many would prefer to celebrate on the streets of Little Havana. The city says the Orange Bowl celebration would not preclude that.

"This is not a mandatory site," Regalado said of the Orange Bowl. "Just a place for people to gather."

Ramon Saul Sanchez, leader of the Miami-based Democracy Movement organization, worries about how a party to celebrate a man's death would be perceived by those outside the Cuban exile community. He also pointed out that even when Castro dies, his communist government will still be in place.

"The notion of a big party, I think, should be removed from all this," Sanchez said. "Although everybody will be very happy that the dictator cannot continue to oppress us himself, I think everybody is still very sad because there are still prisons full of prisoners, many people executed, and families divided.",2933,248144,00.html
Does sound a bit morbid, doesn't it. But then I'm not a Cuban and don't fully know their feelings. I also wondered as I read the article, is he wanting to get all of the "partiers" in one place so they can keep an eye on them or maybe prevent riots? I don't know, but I wouldn't throw a party over anyone dying.
I spent 7 years in FL. Many of the Cubans remember Castro like the JEWS remember the Holecaust. Much long term hatred involved. They are THE reason we still embargo Cuba.
They hate Castro and want to do everythign to make it look like all of America will be celebrating when he dies.
They hate Castro and want to do everythign to make it look like all of America will be celebrating when he dies.

I submit that most Americans won't shed many tears over the incident but throwing a party.....that's a little over the top, even for Floridians.:)
Hillbilly visitations and funerals are interesting as well. I was astonished when I left the hills and found that funeral home visitations were only for a few hours. In the hills they can go on for days/24 HRS.
Yes uscitizen, I have found that that is quite different here from where my wife came from in Kentucky. There, everyone visited the funeral home and the family (or some of them) was expected to be there, while here everyone visits the home of the deceased and the family is there while the body stays at the funeral home. My wife thought it was odd but when my mom passed away a couple of years ago my wife decided that staying home was much better.

As to the Indian "wake," it was somewhat like Superfreak described the Irish wake but without alcohol......and the corpse was laid out in the living room on a table or in a casket in the house where everyone gathered. Usually for a couple to three days.

We definitely have differences in cultures and thus, customs in this country.
Whan I was yound, most people in my poorer class kept the body in the home as well. Friends dug the grave, everyone brought food, Still do. Some great eating at hillbilly funerals ;)
Whan I was yound, most people in my poorer class kept the body in the home as well. Friends dug the grave, everyone brought food, Still do. Some great eating at hillbilly funerals ;)

Exactly uscitizen. When anyone around here passes away people always take food to the surviving family. The thinking is that there will be lots of arrangements to make and lots of company and the grieving family shouldn't have to worry about cooking. I'm just forty but have helped dig and fill a few graves in my lifetime. I wouldn't trade the hillbilly life here. Sometimes it seems like people are a little nosy, but when trouble hits it'l like having this huge family that helps you through things.
Exactly uscitizen. When anyone around here passes away people always take food to the surviving family. The thinking is that there will be lots of arrangements to make and lots of company and the grieving family shouldn't have to worry about cooking. I'm just forty but have helped dig and fill a few graves in my lifetime. I wouldn't trade the hillbilly life here. Sometimes it seems like people are a little nosy, but when trouble hits it'l like having this huge family that helps you through things.

Yep, it is great isn't it ?

Keeps a lot of the asshole factor down , doesn't it ?
that isn't just a hillbilly thing. That happens in many different walks of life. Except maybe for the elitists in Hollywood and the northeast ;)