This kills more than Breast cancer every year, but no liscence plates or walkathons.


Villified User
At least 1.5 million Americans fall prey to hospital error every year. The mistakes aren't exactly minor, either. Between 40,000 and 100,000 people die every year because of shoddy handiwork, including surgical mishaps and drug mix-ups. The death toll from mistakes is at least as bad as that from car accidents or breast cancer, and maybe as bad as that from strokes.

The only hype we hear about this major cause of death is tort reform, malpractice insurance running DR's our of business and trial lawyers. Why is that ?
At least 1.5 million Americans fall prey to hospital error every year. The mistakes aren't exactly minor, either. Between 40,000 and 100,000 people die every year because of shoddy handiwork, including surgical mishaps and drug mix-ups. The death toll from mistakes is at least as bad as that from car accidents or breast cancer, and maybe as bad as that from strokes.

The only hype we hear about this major cause of death is tort reform, malpractice insurance running DR's our of business and trial lawyers. Why is that ?

Great questions.
Yes Darla, My thoughts on this is simple MONEY.

There is money to be made off of curing breast cancer.
Getting the medical industry to clean up it's act is contra profit.
However tort reform increases profit for the medical industry. letting them pay less for their mistakes. And promoting sloppy work.
The medical industry already does a very good job USC. But we can't pretend like they can be perfect. This is pure human error, and it can only be solved by replacing them with robots.
The medical industry already does a very good job USC. But we can't pretend like they can be perfect. This is pure human error, and it can only be solved by replacing them with robots.

bullshit! I have seen studies where infections gotten in hospitals from employees not properly washing their hands is a major problem. One hospital monitored the employees with cameras and caught them lying about it.

Carelessness is one thing, mistakes is another.
bullshit! I have seen studies where infections gotten in hospitals from employees not properly washing their hands is a major problem. One hospital monitored the employees with cameras and caught them lying about it.

Carelessness is one thing, mistakes is another.

Do you mean you watched a report on TV and they saw one hospital where a couple of employees weren't washing their hands and decided to broadcast it all over the US? Because from your statements that's what I could easily get. Be a little more clear, link to said study.
It was a nova or frontline show on PBS, the hospital they studied made changes and cut hospital induced infections by over 80% just by wanshing hands.

yes scientific LOL. Washing hands is both scientific and common sense.
So, why aren't you establishing the Brown Ribbon Organization against Sh*tty Hospital service... (BROSH for short)?
I just tell them I will shoot them if they give me bad service. works so far. I do say it with a smile though.
old farts can get away with a lot of stuff :D