APP - This must be stopped

There is no such thing as a "moderate" muslim. The mere fact that they have to say it implies that there is something wrong with muslims

It is arguably too late for Europe. They have sealed their fate allowing too many to infiltrate their country and now even ascend to seats of power. Islam is incompatible with western culture. Jihad doesn't have to be at the point of a knife. Polls show that even if many muslims don't "support" blowing things up, they support turning the United States into an islamic state.

It must be stopped at all costs. All costs. Everything should be on the table to stop the scourge
I'm sick of honestly protecting the rights of people too stupid to protect themselves. I say let them come in. Lets flood america with muslims, lets see how long the liberal left like it. Lets let shrill feminazis replace their pussyhats with a mandatory hijab. lets see how long they like not being allowed to even have a public conversation unless explicitly granted. America will become conservative again, the nuclear family will once again rise in importance. might be nice.
I'm sick of honestly protecting the rights of people too stupid to protect themselves. I say let them come in. Lets flood america with muslims, lets see how long the liberal left like it. Lets let shrill feminazis replace their pussyhats with a mandatory hijab. lets see how long they like not being allowed to even have a public conversation unless explicitly granted. America will become conservative again, the nuclear family will once again rise in importance. might be nice.

Especially when you consider that many liberals won't own guns (they hate them) and detest police (might make those response times to known liberal homes a bit...slow).
There is no such thing as a "moderate" muslim. The mere fact that they have to say it implies that there is something wrong with muslims

It is arguably too late for Europe. They have sealed their fate allowing too many to infiltrate their country and now even ascend to seats of power. Islam is incompatible with western culture. Jihad doesn't have to be at the point of a knife. Polls show that even if many muslims don't "support" blowing things up, they support turning the United States into an islamic state.

It must be stopped at all costs. All costs. Everything should be on the table to stop the scourge

Time for another Crusade. I'm ready; still have my sword even.