This needs to be said.....


Well-known member
As many in here know,...I have had my share of flame wars with Nomad. Much of it was taken way too far. For my part in it,.... I am regretful.

But here is the important part. As far as I can tell he is about the only Democrat in here to consistently condemn the violence of the far left. At every turn he has stood up for peace, reason, and settling things at the polls instead of the violence that engulfs many of our cities. For that he has fully earned my respect.

Many of you should actually be listening to what he is saying,.... he is NOT wrong. There is politics, and then there is politics. This isnt about that,.... this is about simple right and wrong. Right and wrong transcends politics, or at least IT SHOULD in any sane world. So there is my 2 cents,.... do with it what you will. Just saying,...if I OF ALL PEOPLE can agree with him and give him props for what he has said all along I would hope that those of you on the left can as well.
As many in here know,...I have had my share of flame wars with Nomad. Much of it was taken way too far. For my part in it,.... I am regretful.

But here is the important part. As far as I can tell he is about the only Democrat in here to consistently condemn the violence of the far left. At every turn he has stood up for peace, reason, and settling things at the polls instead of the violence that engulfs many of our cities. For that he has fully earned my respect.

Many of you should actually be listening to what he is saying,.... he is NOT wrong. There is politics, and then there is politics. This isnt about that,.... this is about simple right and wrong. Right and wrong transcends politics, or at least IT SHOULD in any sane world. So there is my 2 cents,.... do with it what you will. Just saying,...if I OF ALL PEOPLE can agree with him and give him props for what he has said all along I would hope that those of you on the left can as well.

You honestly think we don't condemn the violence? Honestly?
None of you guys can hide. As the riots broke out in different cities you poked and prodded and chuckled. You egged it on. Those people who were killed last night? People like you bastards are what caused it. You gave those far left nutcases support and egged them on while our cities burned. Those deaths are on your heads. As far as Im concerned all you bastards can go fuck yourselves. You have no idea what kinda genie you gleefully let out of the bottle,.....pretty sure a whole lot of you are fixing to find out though. I hope not for your sakes,.... but with each passing day it looks more likely.
All for a FUCKING ELECTION! You should all be ashamed . If you had the decency and sense of a damn jackass you would be!
As many in here know,...I have had my share of flame wars with Nomad. Much of it was taken way too far. For my part in it,.... I am regretful.

But here is the important part. As far as I can tell he is about the only Democrat in here to consistently condemn the violence of the far left. At every turn he has stood up for peace, reason, and settling things at the polls instead of the violence that engulfs many of our cities. For that he has fully earned my respect.

Many of you should actually be listening to what he is saying,.... he is NOT wrong. There is politics, and then there is politics. This isnt about that,.... this is about simple right and wrong. Right and wrong transcends politics, or at least IT SHOULD in any sane world. So there is my 2 cents,.... do with it what you will. Just saying,...if I OF ALL PEOPLE can agree with him and give him props for what he has said all along I would hope that those of you on the left can as well.

I concur.

I’ve gained respect for Nomad. And you’re right: this is one issue that should transcend partisan bickering. If we’re not careful, we’re going to reach a tipping point with this violence. Yes, there are right wing nut jobs looking for a fight and we have left wing nut jobs are out in the streets spoiling for one.

How soon before we have an incident that escalates beyond one or two deaths—and then spreads to other places?

How about we don’t go there?
I concur.

I’ve gained respect for Nomad. And you’re right: this is one issue that should transcend partisan bickering. If we’re not careful, we’re going to reach a tipping point with this violence. Yes, there are right wing nut jobs looking for a fight and we have left wing nut jobs are out in the streets spoiling for one.

How soon before we have an incident that escalates beyond one or two deaths—and then spreads to other places?

How about we don’t go there?

Excellent post!
None of you guys can hide. As the riots broke out in different cities you poked and prodded and chuckled. You egged it on. Those people who were killed last night? People like you bastards are what caused it. You gave those far left nutcases support and egged them on while our cities burned. Those deaths are on your heads. As far as Im concerned all you bastards can go fuck yourselves. You have no idea what kinda genie you gleefully let out of the bottle,.....pretty sure a whole lot of you are fixing to find out though. I hope not for your sakes,.... but with each passing day it looks more likely.

I concur.

I’ve gained respect for Nomad. And you’re right: this is one issue that should transcend partisan bickering. If we’re not careful, we’re going to reach a tipping point with this violence. Yes, there are right wing nut jobs looking for a fight and we have left wing nut jobs are out in the streets spoiling for one.

How soon before we have an incident that escalates beyond one or two deaths—and then spreads to other places?

How about we don’t go there?

Exactly. Let's not go there.
Nawww,.... Im not in the mood for any of your silly ass devils advocate games tonight.

Translation; I am a lying asshole who makes claims he can't back up.

How about go fuck yourself you stupid prick?

No one is in support of street violence, idiot.
FYI. BLM has been co-opted by a pair of Marxists and is certainly no child of the left anymore but that is too nuanced for your simple brain.
I concur.

I’ve gained respect for Nomad. And you’re right: this is one issue that should transcend partisan bickering. If we’re not careful, we’re going to reach a tipping point with this violence. Yes, there are right wing nut jobs looking for a fight and we have left wing nut jobs are out in the streets spoiling for one.

How soon before we have an incident that escalates beyond one or two deaths—and then spreads to other places?

How about we don’t go there?

Tell us about the coming civil war you fucking hypocrite.
As many in here know,...I have had my share of flame wars with Nomad. Much of it was taken way too far. For my part in it,.... I am regretful.

But here is the important part. As far as I can tell he is about the only Democrat in here to consistently condemn the violence of the far left. At every turn he has stood up for peace, reason, and settling things at the polls instead of the violence that engulfs many of our cities. For that he has fully earned my respect.

Many of you should actually be listening to what he is saying,.... he is NOT wrong. There is politics, and then there is politics. This isnt about that,.... this is about simple right and wrong. Right and wrong transcends politics, or at least IT SHOULD in any sane world. So there is my 2 cents,.... do with it what you will. Just saying,...if I OF ALL PEOPLE can agree with him and give him props for what he has said all along I would hope that those of you on the left can as well.

So what, are you proposing to marry me or something?


j/k :laugh:
Translation; I am a lying asshole who makes claims he can't back up.

How about go fuck yourself you stupid prick?

No one is in support of street violence, idiot.

if no one supports it, who is doing it?

you idiots ever stop for one second and think before you post?