APP - this pet shop owner should be fed (alive) to his lions

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
the market for protected species is big business and the penalties too light

BANGKOK (AP) — Thai police found 14 albino lions imported from Africa and hundreds of other protected animals in a warehouse near Bangkok and have arrested a pet shop owner.
Birds, meerkats, tortoises, peafowls, capuchin monkeys and other species from overseas and Thailand were found at the warehouse, police Col. Ek Ekasart said.
They said Montri Boonprom-on, 41, faces charges of possessing wildlife and carcasses and could face up to four years in jail and a fine of 40,000 baht ($1,300).
Ek said Montri owns an exotic pet shop at Bangkok's renowned Chatuchak weekend market and was previously convicted of wildlife trading.
Montri told reporters the lions were shipped legally and were to be transferred to a zoo in Thailand's northeast. He did not explain why only 14 lions remained at his warehouse, while the documents showed he had imported 16.
Thailand is a hub of the international black market in protected animals. While the country is a member of a convention regulating international trade in endangered species, Thai law does not extend protection to many alien species.
Police also found a hornbill and a leopard, both protected by Thai law, which were packed in a box and were scheduled to be delivered to clients on Monday.
"We have been monitoring the location for a few days after the neighbors complained about the noise from the animals," Ek told reporters during the raid in a residential area of Bangkok's Klong Sam Wa district. "And if you looked through the gate, you could spot lions in the cage."
The animals were confiscated and will be under the care of the Department of Natural Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation.
to some people life means nothing and its all about how much money you can gain.

sociopaths wont learn anything about caring by being punished.

Its like punishing a deaf child for not listening to you.
to some people life means nothing and its all about how much money you can gain.

sociopaths wont learn anything about caring by being punished.

Its like punishing a deaf child for not listening to you.

they may not learn anything, but others might if these poachers are fed alive to their victims

oth, it may just drive up the price

poachers in the wild should be shot on sight and buried where they fall in unmarked graves

normally i oppose the death penalty, but i make an exception for poachers and dealers