APP - This reminds me of Thread Banning


Former Vice President
It looks like our friends on the left are crying Uncle over the term Fake News. They don't like it when their actions are weaponized against them.

It reminds me of Thread Banning. The lefties of JPP went running to the Mods constantly complaining about little ole lovable me. They were always trying to get me banned. Of course the Mods told them to use the Ignore function. But, that they said wasn't good enough because I could still post in their threads and when people responded to me they could still see my posts indirectly even if they had me on Ignore. No. Banning was the only thing that would satisfy them. But, since I broke no JPP rules, I was not going to be banned, but the Mods trying to satisfy the delicate feelings of our friends on the left instituted Thread Banning. That way they could not only Ignore me they could keep me out of their threads forever and ever.

But, something happened on the way to the Prom. I was able to thread ban too. So I instituted a massive thread ban and our friends on the left had a meltdown. "Oh it isn't right that ILA thread bans us". "He is afraid to debate us"

They hated that their tools to deal with me were used against them.

Same thing here with the term Fake News. I suspect we won't be hearing it much from our friends on the left. Much like we are seeing them back down on their Election Hacking accusations.
One thing this election has exposed is how delicate lefties, moonbats and Clintonistas are. Hence, wearing diaper pins, stroking puppies and kittens in safe rooms, drinking hot chocolate wearing pajamas, cry-ins, coloring books and blowing bubbles to deal with not getting their way.
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