GREAT AMERICANS? With hands deep in the pockets of the US TAXPAYER.....Bureaucrats hired by the Clowns in America (CIA) to help with their agenda, used as personal SPY NETWORKS for the corrupt leaders of that agency....often Bureaucrats that are not even natural born US CITIZENS but hired because of their place of birth and their connections therein.
To a leftist....anyone that HATES Donald John Trump is a (wink, wink) GREAT AMERICAN.
Yeah.....THE PEOPLE that elect our POTUS do not matter.....its not "THEY"....we the people, that get to establish policy....its "UNELECTED...….pompous ass bureaucrats". The Constitution be damned....its not the POTUS that gets to establish international diplomacy as per the authority granted he/she by the Constitution, its BUREAUCRATS? Sounding more and more like NAZI GERMANY in the 1930s.
Yeah....its quite alright to attempt a coup' against a duly elected POTUS and remove him because.....THE BUREAUCRATS don't agree with the NEW POLICIES that the PEOPLE elected him to establish.
TRUTH? These bureaucrats don't see a problem with usurping the authority of WE THE PEOPLE to elect a POTUS to do their bidding....these bureaucrats don't like the NEW POLICY of draining the SWAMP....because they themselves are nothing other than bureaucratic SWAMP RATS deeply imbedded to the point they assume they have more power than the PEOPLE who pay their wages.
These bureaucrats act like WE THE PEOPLE are to SERVE them instead of working at the PLEASURE of THE PEOPLE in this REPUBLIC.
Its a good thing to actually see and witness first hand......THE FASCIST FACES of the democrat left in this nation. These BUREAUCRATS with the help of their corrupt cohorts.....the democrat politicians and the mocking bird Marxist fake news media outlets.....use their supposed expert SKILLS of diplomacy to Bribe, Threaten, Black Mail...….I.E.....PAY TO PLAY SCAMS USING TAX PAYER AID AS LEVERAGE AGAINST smaller nations that depend upon the gifts from US TAXPAYERS in amounts ranging in the get KICKBACKS for the elites who rule over the modern DNC party and the corrupt RHINO's on the right.
Look at the players involved in Ukraine alone. Who is getting kickbacks from taxpayer funds sent to that nation? Pelosi and Son, Kerry and Son, Biden and Son, Romney and family.....all making lucrative business deals in getting great portions of those funds transferred into the FAMILY coffers.
This is exactly what the so called IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY is all about....the left is attempting to get out in front of the pending indictments coming from the criminal investigations of BARR/DURHAM.
Another truth? Mr. Trump did not automatically FIRE the entire Ambassador staff of the previous administration like OBAMA did when he dismissed all of Bush's appointments in 2008.....and better yet...not one single Ambassador has been sent back to the states in a BODY BIM BAG. Yeah...………..