APP - This should keep marxists up at night


First of all if they think all of the gaslighting they are doing through the media is going to get Trump to concede they are kidding themselves.

The democrats are trying to block EVERY single attempt at getting at the truth of this election. If Beijing Buyden won fair and square, democrats should want to prove that more than anyone because since he only has one term they don't want him entering into the White House under a cloud of suspicion given that he is likely to not have the Senate and a deeply divided democrat party caucus.

The longer they drag their feet the more time they provide to have this play out on Trump's terms

He will be doing rallies and he will be sharing all of these little anecdotal stories in EVERY swing state that Beijing Buyden is currently leading in. That would be Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Something the marxists should know is that in all four of those states the Republicans are in charge of the legislature. They are the ones with ultimate say so over certifying the election and deciding who the Electors are. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not CNN or MSNBC or the leftists new favorite love Chris Wallace at Fox News. No. Per the US Constitution, that power is delegated to the State Legislatures.

Via his rallies, Trump will have his base put so much pressure on these state legislatures that they will have no choice but to call for a full auditing of the votes. If the democrats drag their feet then the elections don't get certified. If the elections in these states do not get certified by their State legislatures then NEITHER candidate gets to the required 270 votes. OMG now what you may ask?

That is simple, the US Constitution provides for such an eventuality. It heads to the US House of Representatives where the Republican Party holds a 26-24 delegate lead

So all of the leftists can crow and puff their chests out, but this is far from over. A computer geek found the code that switched 20,000 votes from Trump to Biden in the Pennsylvania. That is YUGE. The great thing about computers is that they ALWAYS leave a trail.