This should piss Moontwat off nicely

The intended target knows, you don't need to, Jade!!

noun: jade

a hard, typically green stone used for ornaments and implements and consisting of the minerals jadeite or nephrite.
an ornament made of this.
plural noun: jades
a light bluish-green.
noun: jade green; adjective: jade-green; plural noun: jade greens
"a baggy jade T-shirt"

I'm more an Aquamarine person. Do you even read my posts, where I answered you about this sock business? If you had something on me, why wouldn't I just ignore your ass? If you can't take no for an answer, I feel bad for your mother. If you don't want a warning, that you make yourself look stupid, so be it.
Stone...that post just sealed the deal, you know;)

I might think you were Moons sock, given all this fascination with me. I don't see the reason to give a damn though. Guess I rubbed someone the wrong way. Well not my problem, just chew on it for awhile. In some ways it's a triumph, if a creepy one. Say goodnight to Blog Boy for me. This place lacks entertainment value, since I'm not sitting through a lecture, or taking a break from work this time.
I enjoy being an asshole, but you two seem clinically off kilter too me. Maybe split a Xanex, and hot toddy between the two of you. Goodnight children, let the bed bugs bite.

Seriously kid, that's a mistake even seasoned writers make, from time to time. When it's the middle of the night, only rarely would I proofread something I typed to kill time. You don't need a video, as I'm well versed in it already. It's just lame, that the big trick of trolls around here, seems to be grammar Nazism. If it bugs you that much, I'd be glad to be a grammar aficionados nightmare. Have you seen how some people save time in text messages? If not, I will be showing you. Don't h8 me for it.