APP - This should scare the heck out of democrats


Former Vice President
Some who haven't completely lost their minds know this is real. But, the rest are going to ignore it. They aren't going to see it on Stelter/Maddow so it didn't happen

They do so at their own peril

In 2016, President Trump asked black voters "what do you have to lose?". The left lost its collective mind. Trump has done more for black voters than any President since Reagan. They are finally starting to notice. I have been stunned at the high approval ratings Trump is getting from blacks in poll after poll even in polls that overweight democrats and use registered voter models.

If Trump gets anywhere above 15% of the black vote, Biden is toast. Done. Finished

If Trump gets anywhere near the 30-40% mark which has been some of his approval ratings in some of these polls, well we are talking EPIC landslide. EPIC. I don't think that is possible. I can't see him getting 30-40% of the black vote. I do think it is possible that he could double what he did in 2016 which would seal the deal.

We will see