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Watchdogs Urge Democrats to Strip Convicted Lawmakers of Pensions

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

WASHINGTON — More than 20 citizen groups are urging the new Democratic leaders in Congress to include in any ethics reform the denial of pensions to lawmakers convicted of felonies.

"We must end the practice of rewarding lawmakers who abuse the law with plush pension packages funded by the American taxpayer," the coalition wrote in a letter to be sent Thursday to Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, who will become Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader when Democrats assume control of Congress in January.

The groups, led by the National Taxpayers Union, include Ralph Nader's Congressional Accountability Project, Taxpayers for Common Sense, the Republican Liberty Caucus and the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste.

Currently, members of Congress don't forfeit pensions unless convicted of crimes related to treason and espionage.

As a result, former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., who was sentenced last March to eight years in prison for accepting bribes from defense contractors, is entitled to an initial annual pension of as much as $64,000, according to calculations by the National Taxpayers Union.,2933,233077,00.html