APP - This video should scare the living heck out of the democrat party

Could these be hopeful signs that the decades long hold the democrat party has on the black vote is starting to shake loose?

I heard earlier today that Trumps support among blacks is in the low to mid 40's. Previously it had been right at 30%, which itself was unprecedented. Among Hispanics it's even higher.

So yeah, the DNC should be shiting its panties right now.
I heard earlier today that Trumps support among blacks is in the low to mid 40's. Previously it had been right at 30%, which itself was unprecedented. Among Hispanics it's even higher.

So yeah, the DNC should be shiting its panties right now.

We still have to wait and see if it actually translates into votes though.
We cannot take anything for granted

Everyone needs to GOTV. We need Trump to win the popular vote in addition to EC

I don't give a damn about CA and NY. They can vote 100% commie for all I care. Maybe if they do it will entice them to secede.