This week in dumbshit liberal speak

It just gets worse every day....
Is it really? Or is that what you are being told to believe by your news sources? What do you think is going to happen? :thinking:
Yes, I believe that it will get worse.... Hard to tell what exactly may happen... but it's been pretty bizarre lately....
Are my news sources different than yours? If you believe that to be true, who Should I be listening to?;)
Yes, I believe that it will get worse.... Hard to tell what exactly may happen... but it's been pretty bizarre lately....
Are my news sources different than yours? If you believe that to be true, who Should I be listening to?;)

So you believe it is going to get worse but you can not identify What is going to get worse. You might want to give that so me serious thought, you fear something that has not and is not happening.

I go to lots of sources not just Left and not just Right leaning and then I make up my own mind based on the facts I find. I would guess that the majority of your sources are right leaning and I would suggest branching out and then using your own mind to determine what is really truth and what is slanted and are half-truths. Try doing it with a completely open mind and let the chips far where they may.
So you believe it is going to get worse but you can not identify What is going to get worse. You might want to give that so me serious thought, you fear something that has not and is not happening.

I go to lots of sources not just Left and not just Right leaning and then I make up my own mind based on the facts I find. I would guess that the majority of your sources are right leaning and I would suggest branching out and then using your own mind to determine what is really truth and what is slanted and are half-truths. Try doing it with a completely open mind and let the chips far where they may.
It's not getting better..trending worse daily...I listen to many different sources...your guess would be wrong....I live and work in Extreme liberal I'm very open minded....Very....
It's not getting better..trending worse daily...I listen to many different sources...your guess would be wrong....I live and work in Extreme liberal I'm very open minded....Very....

What is trending worse? Yes there is an issue at the border and it will be resolved, the economy is picking up, the vaccine is becoming more and more available, we are rebuilding our relationships with our allies, working on making better deals with China, standing up to Putin which has been attacking our Nation for over four years now, looking forward to the infrastructure and DACA finally being addressed. There is a long list of good things coming our way, so what is your specific concerns?

That is a good thing. so do not hold unfounded fears on things that have not and will not happen.
Rightys created this border problem for political reasons. They should have listened to Ronnie.
Acting like reasonable adults is not painful.
What is trending worse? Yes there is an issue at the border and it will be resolved, the economy is picking up, the vaccine is becoming more and more available, we are rebuilding our relationships with our allies, working on making better deals with China, standing up to Putin which has been attacking our Nation for over four years now, looking forward to the infrastructure and DACA finally being addressed. There is a long list of good things coming our way, so what is your specific concerns?

That is a good thing. so do not hold unfounded fears on things that have not and will not happen.
There are a few good things....I'll agree with vaccines being mostly available...but what "are " my concerns? A country that becomes more divided with each passing day... "Specifically"? Our families, our schools, communities...those "kind" of things....perhaps you're missing a great deal being out in your rural paradise....
I would So love lots of land...guess what i would be doing?

AS judge judy says: They are cooked. The DEms actually dont care how bad, sad, insane, damaging their ideology (Communism) destroys the USA. They love it.
There are a few good things....I'll agree with vaccines being mostly available...but what "are " my concerns? A country that becomes more divided with each passing day... "Specifically"? Our families, our schools, communities...those "kind" of things....perhaps you're missing a great deal being out in your rural paradise....
I would So love lots of land...guess what i would be doing?

Not missing a thing I am not on an isolated Island somewhere. The Divide is not driven by Liberals, we welcome honest discussion, the divide is driving by Conservative leaders that preach distrust, hate, and fear, good grief just look at some of the junk some of the conservatives post here, it is down right disgusting and full of hate, they do not want to discuss anything.

Working your butt off. It is Spring in my neck of the woods and this is the busy season, I will be at it most of the day today, it is when you are done and have accomplished a good days work and can sit back with a nice cool drink and enjoy nature, now that pays for the work.
AS judge judy says: They are cooked. The DEms actually dont care how bad, sad, insane, damaging their ideology (Communism) destroys the USA. They love it.

Now we are back to the Communism claims. I thought we were going to turn into a bunch of Socialists?? Same story ever time the Dems take power, same old Nothing Burger every time, I guess the Dems are too busy cleaning up the mess left behind by the previous Republican Administration to get the Nation to turn into a Communist State. Yeah that sounds about right..
Not missing a thing I am not on an isolated Island somewhere. The Divide is not driven by Liberals, we welcome honest discussion, the divide is driving by Conservative leaders that preach distrust, hate, and fear, good grief just look at some of the junk some of the conservatives post here, it is down right disgusting and full of hate, they do not want to discuss anything.

Working your butt off. It is Spring in my neck of the woods and this is the busy season, I will be at it most of the day today, it is when you are done and have accomplished a good days work and can sit back with a nice cool drink and enjoy nature, now that pays for the work.
We'll just have agree to disagree when it comes to who is "mostly" responsible for the the country and here.... Incredibly disgusting, vile remarks, the hate is consuming, the refusal to discuss....well, it's just unacceptable, isn't it?
We certainly do look at things very differently... but then we live in very different worlds...
I respect your beliefs...I hope you respect mine... Bottom line....We both want what's best for the future....So neither of us will probably ever give up....
Enjoy the is a beautiful one....and yes, much more work to be done until it's time to sit back and relax....
It just gets worse every day....

most of those are correct, dumbshit trump stooges can't face facts. fuck 'em and feed 'em catfish heads.

and a lot of them are NOT ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS OF WHAT WAS SAID OR WRITTEN, JUST STRAIGHT UP LIES, like the one quoting a black media source called the Root- and it lies about them calling for white genocide- IT CLEARLY DOES NOT---

here is what the article actually said-

A line can and should be drawn from the actions of the white supremacist who walked into three Atlanta-area massage parlors yesterday, and allegedly killed eight people—six of whom were of Asian descent—to the relentless anti-Asian rhetoric pollinating national discourse over the past year. The former president, and the party of the former president, can and should be blamed for this and the sudden increase of racist violence against Asian Americans. The line doesn’t stop there, though. It extends back 400 years and has tentacles clawing everywhere white supremacy exists here, in America, which is everywhere.

There’s a line connecting this act of terror to the 11 people killed at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018, and the nine people killed at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015, of course. But also to gentrification, to red-lining, to racial profiling, to gerrymandering, to voter oppression, to mass incarceration, to the war on drugs, to the subprime mortgage crisis, to the vast disparities in both COVID deaths and who receives COVID vaccinations, to how the men and women who stormed the capitol just went home and had dinner with their families afterward. While we were still processing and recovering from what we witnessed, they were already back on their couches, watching Criminal Minds.

White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it
Rightys created this border problem for political reasons. They should have listened to Ronnie.
Acting like reasonable adults is not painful.
Nothing new there . He was talking about legal work permits. Open borders to lefties now means letting them in, keeping them in, giving them free healthcare, free housing and voting privileges without even going thru the myriad of steps my German wife had to go thru to get legal residency.
This Week in Dumb Shit Liberals speak

Might I offer some commentary and rebuttal...

Maybe Joke just farted really hard and that was the wind that knocked him over...? After all, we wouldn't have known it because his industrial strength Depends would have handled the resulting mess...

Or cover Joke at all, comment on his Harlot VP, anything Democrats in Congress are doing, or anything else for that matter that makes the Democrats look other than paragons of virtue and the founts of all wisdom... Otherwise, it's gulag for you!

This is the same Hank "Guam might capsize" Johnson that has the IQ of a Vegas crap table dice. How this utter retard stays in Congress is beyond me. How stupid must the people that vote for him be to do that?

Ya, Rashida, well fuck you too right in the left eyeball!

Doesn't MSNBC realize if they did that the collective IQ of Republicans would rise dramatically, well above the one that they collectively have that's higher than yours already? I guess the idiots on the Left just don't get much of anything...

And there's no crisis at the border, the Chinese love us and will do whatever Joke tells them to, we're not in Syria, the Iranians don't have nukes... Jen Psaki has become the new "Bagdad Bob."

Does Joke even know we have an immigration system?

That's what all dictatorships say about their death camps, labor camps, prisons, gulags, concentration camps...

Who the fuck cares?

Well, there it is there... But that's not racist according to the radical Left...

Who? I guess Roxane Gay has been cancelled, or more likely is just an unnoticed nobody...

Well, Michael, they're doing a damn poor job of it...

Nasty Pussy doesn't know what day of the weak it is... (pun intended)

Yea, sure... I suggest Ted Lieu put down the crack pipe and stop sniffing glue.

And what list of stupid comments would be complete without a word from America's Foremost Race Baiter Joy Reid?

* IGNORANT: Joy Reid Suggests Fox, GOP Are 'Afraid of...Brown People'

I thought Al Sharpton was America's foremost race baiter. Isn't that why he hosts a show on MSNBC? Oh, who's Joy Reid anyway? Ah... She must have been cancelled or something...
Question: what is wrong with saying that it was very windy? People say that all the time.