This week


Worst gambler ever
This week I was on top of a vent in a ceiling.

This week, a fan took my pinkie fingernail.

This week, the boy left his paw prints with fresh soil from my brand new garden on my bed. And then he got picky about which side of the bed he sleeps on.

This week I was told by my boss that it would be a "simple" trouble call, it turned out to be a disaster.

This week, I was given a router, no questions asked.

This week, threedee ruined at least 5 threads by knowing too much shit.

This last hour, I got HIGH!!!!

High Five Toppy!

[ame=""]YouTube- bong rip[/ame]
High Five indeed, topspin is jealous of the bong rip. With the ghestapo reigns on me I prob could not clear that bad boy. Come on retirement.
Congrats on the fingernail, maybe you should have listened to your mother and quit sticking your fingers in the fan....

[ame=""]YouTube- Ben Harper at Bonnaroo[/ame]
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there's a brother lighting up at the very end. Love it
Also the Dude loves the line, "If you don't like my fire then don't come around, cause I'm about to burn one down". As you can see from the sig
Psh. It's sexy but it ain't shit really. I'd clear 2 or 3 of those bad boys in a hit.

Now you want a challenge, get the so-called Green Mile. It's a six foot tall green bong that has to be lit by a second person. Usually you stand on a couch or a balcony and the person below lights it for you. Now THAT is a fucking challenge.
Ganja is the biggest reason I became disillusioned with Reagan. I could go home from work and burn a fatty and no one gave a fuck. After Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers drug testing became the standard. Did they catch the coke heads? Hell no! Two days and that shits out of your system but I had to quit ganja cause I like having a job. Fuck Reagan!
Well I may not be able to do ganja till I retire but right now I"m smokin an Opus X and sippin on some Makers Mark and looking at some pics I took last summer of my wife in her mettalic blue thong bikini. Life is good. :clink:
Psh. It's sexy but it ain't shit really. I'd clear 2 or 3 of those bad boys in a hit.

Now you want a challenge, get the so-called Green Mile. It's a six foot tall green bong that has to be lit by a second person. Usually you stand on a couch or a balcony and the person below lights it for you. Now THAT is a fucking challenge.

in my youth i pulled 5 of 6 feet....

a bit much, i don't recommend it, its like bonging beer or taking too many shots, not good, in fact i never bonged beer or drank too much alcohol

marijuana, like alcohol can be taken in excess.....though excess marijuana has never led to death....