This week...


Staff member
... I'll be in and out, I have the week off and I'll be using it to do all the improvements I have put off until I had more time at the house.

Man, do I have a list.

I have to reseal the driveway (biggest job, I think I'll do that one first).

I have to fix the fence in the front field so we can put animals back up there again... (damn kids drove through my fence!)

I am ripping out our front porch and replacing it with a walkthrough garden to the door... (the porch catches the sun and increases the heat out there hugely).

I think that's about all I can do in a week.
Well, I have begun the cleaning of the driveway in preparation of filling the cracks before sealing... Thought I'd check in. I'll see y'all again today I am sure.