This Will Be Susan Collins' Legacy

Fentoine Lum

Verified User
Boy the left is mad at Collins. They were really counting on her weren’t they
I wasn’t she just another that is trying to play both sides of the fence, the milk toast Republicans can’t have it both ways. You can’t believe Dr. Ford without believing Kavanaugh was a black out drunk. It’s lame their trying to claim they support victims of assault, they don’t.

Bart repeated lied throughout the course of the theater of the hearings, even if you take all of the Ford/sexual allegation stuff out of the equation altogether. And as per usual, the people were completely cut out of the process, can't even see what a sabotaged investigation "found" that carefully chose who would be interviewed. We are that 3rd world shit hole Don spoke of, and we did it in front of god-n-everybody. The system may mindfuck the american public, but they only works here at home. The world knows what it saw.