This Will Piss Off The Creationist Freaks!


Atheist Missionary
The complete works of one of history's greatest scientists, Charles Darwin, are being published online.
The project run by Cambridge University has digitised some 50,000 pages of text and 40,000 images of original publications - all of it searchable.

Surfers with MP3 players can even access downloadable audio files.

The resource is aimed at serious scholars, but can be used by anyone with an interest in Darwin and his theory on the evolution of life.

It doesn't bother me. I believe that God created all things. I am not afraid of the Works of Charles Darwin. He was a man with a theory. That theory is the beginnings of the theory of Evolution. It does not change history. Darwin's theory should not be written off by anyone including Creationists.

I am certain there is some truth and some error in Darwin's theory. After all, he was only a man. I am certain there are things we can still learn from his works. Only a fool writes off a well thought out theory simply because if does not agree with one's beliefs.

It doesn't bother me a bit that they have put his works on the net. In fact, I think it is a great idea.

Now, tell me why this is supposed to piss me off?

Why would that "piss off" the Creationists? The Bible is online, in almost every single publishable form!
I don't consider Immie to be a creationist extremist, I hardly imagine him bringing about court cases to rid the classroom of evolution theory in exchange for his personal mythological beliefs.
I don't consider Immie to be a creationist extremist, I hardly imagine him bringing about court cases to rid the classroom of evolution theory in exchange for his personal mythological beliefs.

It is not mythological!

However, you are right, I would never consider bringing about a court case in order to force the teaching of Creationism or prevent the teaching of Evolution. I have always believed that both should be taught and that does not mean that I believe that Creationism should be taught as a theory or "fact" but as a belief system.

I honestly do not believe that Creationsim and the Theory of Evolution are mutually exclusive. Maybe, just maybe Darwin's theory isn't the complete story and God created the Universe putting the laws of nature, which Evolution is one, into motion.

It is not mythological!

However, you are right, I would never consider bringing about a court case in order to force the teaching of Creationism or prevent the teaching of Evolution. I have always believed that both should be taught and that does not mean that I believe that Creationism should be taught as a theory or "fact" but as a belief system.

I honestly do not believe that Creationsim and the Theory of Evolution are mutually exclusive. Maybe, just maybe Darwin's theory isn't the complete story and God created the Universe putting the laws of nature, which Evolution is one, into motion.


Well said ...
It is not mythological!

Hate to bust it to you Immie, but it is entirely mythological.

Your beliefs are based on the Abrahamic creation myth, a sister myth to the Pelasgian creation myth, born from the mythology of the Aryan invaders who entered Europe and Near Asia.

As to whether creationism and evolutionary theory are mutually exclusive.... they are.

Creation deals with speciation, how species come about. Creationism states that speciation occured with when 'god' created the species in the world.

Creationism has retreated in the face of evolution theory, some creationists now have abandoned the notion that god created speciation and state that god created abiogenesis and thus evolution.

The notion that god created evolution and evolution theory obviously aren't mutually exclusive, but that notion raises its own problems, the notion is based on logical fallacies such as 'irreducible complexity' and the same attribution syndrome as bog-standard creationism.

It is still attribution to the 'god of the gaps'.....