This won't sell w/NASCAR fans: Mitt Romney's Beauty, Makeup, and Spa treatments


Will work for Scooby snacks
Romney’s hair-brained hypocrisy. When media reports revealed that former senator John Edwards had paid $400 for his haircuts, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney stated that “he pays $50 for a hair cut including the tip”:

"You know I think John Edwards was right. There are two Americas. There is the America where people pay $400 for a haircut and then there is everybody else."

Today, Politico reports:

"Romney spent $300 on makeup 'consulting' "

Romney recorded $300 in payments to a California company that describes itself as “a mobile beauty team for hair, makeup and men’s grooming and spa services.”

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden confirmed that the payments — actually two separate $150 charges — were for makeup, though he said the former Massachusetts governor had only one session with Hidden Beauty of West Hills, Calif.
I hope not, but unlike edwards he's not putting himself out their as the champion of the poor.
I like most of Edwards policy tries, his execution is laughable.
I hope not, but unlike edwards he's not putting himself out their as the champion of the poor.
I like most of Edwards policy tries, his execution is laughable.

Edwards makes it a point to make poverty in this country a top issue.

Can you point to ANYWHERE he said he was the "Champion" of the poor?

Or, is this just more nonsense from the fevered imagination of topspinner?
LOL the entire media portrays him as the champion of the poor,
I'll go with serious politicians like Hillary/Obama/ and my long shot Richardson.